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A Baby For the Beast

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  • 7.6
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“Spread your legs, little Ava. Open it and let me devour you.” I trembled at his tone of words used, with my hands clenched around my garment tightly. His voice sounded like sin itself and his eyes held a lustful gaze, darkened with desire. *** Every 200 years, a virgin is sacrificed to a powerful beast, for breeding. In the previous years passed, no offspring has been produced. It is known that only the mate to the beast can give him a pup. The community always selects the outcast virgin, from intricate fear of the beast. I am Ava Goodchild, one of the selected virgins.



Review after half of the novel

This novel is the best one I have read by far it’s so good and interesting and so much happens and it’s so intriguing I would recommend 100% if u read this novel I’m pretty sure u will lose track of time and be focused on this novel it’s the best thing by far so much happens that u just wanna keep reading it sucks when u run out of coins but whenever u get more im 100% u will waste it on the novel to know more and see what happens

February 12, 2024

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