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Best Romance Novels

A Baby For the Beast Reviews


Stephanie Gagne

Review after the novel completion

I loved this take on Beauty and the Beast! It was so thrilling and contained a happy ending! I loved the mythology contained within the story itself. It was weird to see a Moon Goddess that wasn’t a direct tie in to existing mythologies but it worked. I enjoyed the author’s creation of a completely new character to play the role of Moon Goddess. It pleases me greatly to see the creativity of other writers pay off with the reading of the final word.

February 16, 2024


Review after half of the novel

This book is one of my favorites. I fell in love with Caspian instantly :] Ava is so slay 💅👑 love her so much! Can't wait to read more chapters! The whole story is really interesting!! I can't say any bad at this book just goods! I almost finished the story and I can't wait to reread it :] I laughed on some jokes in some chapters and I also cried. Heart warming the main couple and their relationship!!! This book is in my top 5!! :]

February 13, 2024


Review after half of the novel

This novel is the best one I have read by far it’s so good and interesting and so much happens and it’s so intriguing I would recommend 100% if u read this novel I’m pretty sure u will lose track of time and be focused on this novel it’s the best thing by far so much happens that u just wanna keep reading it sucks when u run out of coins but whenever u get more im 100% u will waste it on the novel to know more and see what happens

February 12, 2024

Ladii Skii

Review after half of the novel

It’s a fascinating story. A story that has many layers and levels to it. I like that it isn’t overly sexual (though that’s not a bad thing but for this story it would be tragic). The storyline takes you on a journey, it’s captivating and makes you imagine and visualize the story itself. I’ve been so engrossed with this book since I started it yesterday I have only put my phone down in between my work duties.

February 11, 2024


Review after half of the novel

"A Baby for the Beast" has an intriguing story and character building. Although there are typos, grammar errors, and plot holes, the story's chapters keep me engaged and cruising through the book. As so many romance novels, most of the problems in this story come down to the poor communications skills of the leading lovers. But, I am still rooting for them and their friends, nevertheless. If the bad guys and gals win, I'd be so disappointed. The leads have plot armor in romance novels, right? I'll find out . . .

February 10, 2024

Deysi Rill

Review after half of the novel

Good novel keeps you reading , could make Ava more stronger but it has a good story line. Want to make want to finish the novel. The Beas is a little insecure. The father could make his life with his mate but chose a different path so far. Some mistakes in the grammar but you cans understand what is happening. A lot of broken females that need redemption and many of them want power. A lot of greed and abused in between the girls

February 9, 2024

Liliana Ybarra Moreno

Review after the novel completion

I liked this had a lot ups and downs and had mystery and it would throw curve balls at you and kept me on the edge of my seat wanting to know what would happen next. The drama and effects was awesome and the ending was perfect for me. I wish the story would have given Ava and Caspian more time enjoying the pregnancy life together and learning more of each other. Wondering how life would be with Piper and Frida .

February 8, 2024


Review after the novel completion

Great Story. Good storyline. I liked, that Ava got stronger over time and Caspian found his own strength. I really liked Piper. She was something to hold on an to get stronger for, for Ava. But sometimes it felt like she had different ages. She was like a little girl of 6-8 in some chapters and then like her supposed 12 Year old . As I was reading the whole story in a few hours, it was sometimes hard to get the timeline. How long did Ava travel at the ship? How long was she at the castle as a spawn? How much time were between the challenges and training? It felt a bit rushed, how everything came together in the last chapters. What’s with Caspians Grandmother/ Moon Godess? How could she take away Ava’s Wolf but trough the new mating she god her wolf easily back? And what’s with her supposed powers from her hidden genes? ( she came from the same descendants as Lady Archery or has some blood of that people in her, if I understand it right?) I really liked the story but there where a few open questions for me. If I over read something or didn’t understand it right, I am sorry in advance. English is not my native language. I really enjoyed your Story, otherwise I wouldn’t have read it through the end in one go. So, thanks for your great story.

February 4, 2024

Lacey Dixon

Review after half of the novel

Talk about a fight till the end. Wonderful story! Loved how it basically was a woman’s world and how each was a piece in a game of chess. Totally different than your everyday werewolf story. Made me like it even more. It gets old reading the same story like all the time. So when you find something as different as this, it’s great. Kinda reminded me of the hunger games lol. But like I said it’s a great story you won’t be disappointed

December 30, 2023


Review after half of the novel

I don’t think so because I’m going back tomorrow and I’m going out of my mind with a friend. I’m not sure how to do it but I’ll let him know if I can get the job. I’m going through some stuff and I’m not really feeling good about it. I just don’t want him to get sick and not have any other thing that he needs. But if you have to be careful about the vaccine and if it’s just the flu shot or the shot he will get the flu or something I just can’t imagine.

December 28, 2023