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Single Daddies

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A falling star, a failing father, and a heap of post-s*x embarrassment. What could possibly go right? Noah I'm not daddy material. Everyone who knows me says the same thing. Running a ranch and having a taste of the ladies has been my lifestyle for the last few years, and I love it that way. Nice and simple! Things start to get complicated when, as a result of a one-night stand, a baby is left on my doorstep. My stepsister, Kylie comes to visit and decides that she wants to be back in my life. My life's no more simple but very complicated. Kylie needs my help. It turns out that I might need hers more. Kylie My label, my manager, and even my makeup artist are ready to drop me. I’ve lost my mojo and I need to lose weight, write a song, and stop hiding under the baggy clothes and goth makeup. I panic because singing is all I’ve ever wanted to do. Mom suggests I go to stay with the one man that I’ve been avoiding for the last three years: the boy that used to live next-door, Noah. Staying on his ranch could be the break that I need. A falling star, a failing father, and a heap of post-s*x embarrassment. What could possibly go right?


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