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I studied him, trying to decipher what his deranged man must be thinking. Leo's impenetrable expression made it hard for me to read. It was one of the most difficult puzzles, almost impossible to solve. "Why am I here?" I asked hesitantly, finally having enough of the awkward silence. Also made sure not to let my fear appear in my tone. The only response I met was with plain silence. His unwillingness to speak was infuriating but I maintained my calm. When I thought I wasn't going to get any response he finally spoke. "Because I want," ******* Leaving my past behind I moved into a new city to start fresh but I forgot I was a ball of misfortune. I happened to grasp the attention of a monster disguised in the human body. I tried to ignore him. I ran from him but he trapped me. His obsession for me was lethal. It was suffocating. Why won't it be after all he is merciless.



Review after half of the novel

Very interesting and keeps me engaged, the story of Flynn and Melanie seems to be getting sweeter. The characters have a good characteristics and it’s entertaining how charismatic both elli and her twin brother are as well. I hope to see their love thrive with a few plot twists and how Camilla tries to snatch herself a place in Flynns heart, I think she is a very intriguing character as she might cause some ruckus between both Flynn and Melanie within the story.

February 22, 2024

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