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A loud sound echoed throughout the room, and the woman dropped to her knees before her whole body fell flat on the floor. She let out a few weak strangled noises before falling into stillness. Blood gushed from her chest like a waterfall, splashing all over the place. My confused eyes turned around but what I didn't expect to see was the sight of Leone, whose face shone with satisfaction with his right hand gripping a smoking gun. OMG, Leone shot her to death. The realization ignited a new intensity of fear that I never knew was possible to experience. Next I let out a piercing scream. My high-pitched wail drew the attention of Leone, who cast an irritated look at me. "Shut up....Women are only to shout in bed," Leone says, pointing the gun towards me. ********* I was the girl with the dream, but my destiny had written something else for me. I must be God's least loved child because he sealed my fate with two heartless.



Review after half of the novel

Okay. This novel plunges readers into a whirlwind of passion, manipulation, and heartbreak. The story masterfully captures the allure of forbidden love, portraying flawed, deeply human characters navigating a volatile relationship. While the chemistry crackles, the emotional push-and-pull often feels draining, highlighting the dangers of love turned obsession. The writing is gripping, but the relentless tension may unsettle some readers. A darkly compelling exploration of love’s shadowy side, this novel leaves you questioning the fine line between love and destruction.

January 3, 2025

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