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Heartless Reviews



Review after the novel completion

Disturbing book but im in for it so good good words but i think violence is just too much and two people at a time is a little more disturbing but its so good ik i sound like a physco but it is what it is you all should give it a read i think the 3 books of author are insanely good but she has too put violence to a limit and love interest also to a limit yk

January 18, 2025


Review after half of the novel

Okay. This novel plunges readers into a whirlwind of passion, manipulation, and heartbreak. The story masterfully captures the allure of forbidden love, portraying flawed, deeply human characters navigating a volatile relationship. While the chemistry crackles, the emotional push-and-pull often feels draining, highlighting the dangers of love turned obsession. The writing is gripping, but the relentless tension may unsettle some readers. A darkly compelling exploration of love’s shadowy side, this novel leaves you questioning the fine line between love and destruction.

January 3, 2025


Review after half of the novel

Here's a short and creative book review sample "This book is a masterfully woven tapestry of words, transporting me to a world of wonder and awe. The characters leapt off the page, their stories etched in my heart like constellations in the night sky. With each turn of the page, I was ensnared by the author's skillful storytelling, until the very end, when I emerged, blinking, into the bright light of a new perspective. A true literary gem!"

May 26, 2024

clare Rawlins

Review after the novel completion

Loved the books in this series, the way the female main character had to persevere through all the things she was put though. Trigger warnings should be added for violence, non consensual, deaths and use of weapons etc (like guns) But I’m not that bothered as it’s not that descriptive or giving loads of details to make you extra uncomfortable about it. The men in this series are morally grey and have anger issues. It’s hard to like them sometimes but if you are after a story that really has a real mafia type story that doesn’t hold back on the grittier details then this is for you.

April 2, 2024

Mary Tristan

Review after half of the novel

I'm so excited to find out who her secret stalker is. And I can't wait to find out if the maid and Leon are sleeping together. Is she going to be with both the twins Leon and Leone? I'm so excited it's pure torture waiting an hour for the next fee chapter. But I love this and the book about grace and Leo. I knew once I saw this it was about her crazy kids. Can't wait great job. Smile

February 15, 2024


Review after half of the novel

This was quite an interesting read. I have to admit it gets a little confusing sometimes; I get mixed up with the fall of events and characters. But, overall it is intruiging. The main character has this pretty sad backstory, and continues to struggle with her current state when her fate leads her to a more devastating path. She loses her adopted mother, gets abused and mistreated by her uncle's family yet the misfortunes doesn't stop there. She then gets involved with the twins who continuosly abuse and rape her. She is broken mentally, physically and emotionally. At this point I am only reading because I want her to have a happy ending. I hope the author doen't disappoint.

February 11, 2024


Review after the novel completion

Very nice novel. Love it very much😍😍 It has been so far one of the best novel I have read.. Bravo to the writer, he has succeed how to make this novel very interesting, it is not like all the novels who have the same scenario. For example hate then marriage and happy ending this one is indeed heartless but at the end when love is involve no one can fight against it even though no one has express their love for each other😍

December 29, 2023


Review after the novel completion

Twins names are too similar so often got confusing. The story got interesting towards the end, felt like more time could have beeb spent ellaborating on the Vladimir character. Also hope? His brother? How did they know eachother? Why didnt we get an insight into Graces relationship start? Took awhile to understand what was going on tbh. With the dads name being similar too had to make sure to re read aome parts. Otherwise was a good read and would recommend.

December 26, 2023

Agnes D Parlocha

Review after the novel completion

I enjoyed reading this story. It isn't for everyone but the author did good with following the emotions. I did have a problem every once in a while. Maybe rethink the names a bit. The story has highs and lows that are so strong you can feel them. I laughed, I cried, and I was upset right along with the characters. I hope that when you read this story that you will keep an open mind; there are actual relationships that are like this one. Thanks for this story.

December 20, 2023

Adriana Rivera

Review after the novel completion

Overall the book was good. The plot was good as well as the characters. There were times I had to reread parts of the chapters because the twins names are almost the same that it became confusing. Typos can also get annoying. I didn’t like that there was no real explanation or intro to why people were betraying or trying to kill Moon. They never introduced the behind the scenes so that it least it would make sense. Also the progression of the relationship of Moon with the twins was annoying. I guess I was expecting a HEA or something a little more heartwarming. I guess my plot would have twisted different. That’s all

December 20, 2023