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Embracing the Devil (The Continuation)

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Rebecca... Once, my heart longed to soar, but he shackled my desires, plucking my dreams like feathers from a wounded bird. Then emerged my rescuer. Through a trail of crimson, he sought me out. Love courses in his veins, a fervent desire to liberate his captive Angel. Yet, how can I take flight anew when my wings lie shattered? Artemy... The battle rages on, a war of love and torment. If he believed he could shatter her and fade into oblivion, he miscalculated. I'll hunt him down, shattering him as he did her. A solemn oath to my Angel guides me. I vowed to grant her flight... I swore to salvage her very soul. And my promises are unbreakable, unwavering as the night.



Review after the novel completion

The first book was good took my time reading but the second book took an unusual turn my daily use English to those used in the Shakespearean’s years. Even though I understood it, it didn’t give the same effect and the first book did. So I was wondering what happened? Was it the use of an outsourced party or ????? The 2nd book could have been written much better and hold a more weight than it does and while reading even though I wanted to know the ending I basically just skimmed over a couple of chapter of paragraphs. I do hope other novels don’t take the same path.

February 17, 2024

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