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Best Romance Novels


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  • 👁 375
  • 7.5

Ariya Stewart had always dreamed of finding the perfect job, and it seemed like fate had finally smiled upon her when she landed a position at Campbell Advertising. From the moment she stepped into the office, she was enveloped by welcoming vibes from her new workmates, a group of strong and talented women who exuded confidence and success. However, Ariya soon noticed an odd similarity among her female colleagues. They proudly bragged about their own one-night experiences with their boss, Christopher Campbell. It seemed that these encounters were almost a rite of passage in the company, a peculiar norm that Ariya couldn't fully comprehend…until she experienced the steamy night first hand. Yet, it didn’t just happen one time, however, every exhilarating night spent with Christopher was accompanied by the lurking danger of secrecy. Ariya knew that sneaking around corners and hiding their connection could only lead to trouble, waiting for the moment when Christopher would inevitably make a mistake and would shatter their lives and bring them to the brink of ruin. In the midst of her passion and desire, Ariya wrestled with her emotions and the realisation that her heart was no longer her own. Would their forbidden romance lead to a path of destruction, or could Ariya find a way to navigate the treacherous waters of love and power within the confines of Campbell Advertising? Only time would tell if their connection could withstand the storm that lay ahead.


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