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Best Romance Novels

Ace: His Queen Of Heart

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  • 7.9
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Aurora, a carefree girl who was so happy to get married to the love of her life Kian, but fate happened. A day to the wedding, her fiancé got involved in a car accident which claimed his life. Aurora unable to bear the hurt and loss decided to move to a new environment to start life afresh. What will Aurora do when she runs into someone who looks like her deceased fiancé? Just that he isn’t Kian but Ace Buford, a ruthless mafia boss and she can’t stop her attraction to him, not while he carries the face of the one man she ever loved.


ioana cernat

Review after the novel completion

Very captivating from the first few chapters...the web of entangled plots is amazing. It keeps the reader in suspense until the end, offering excitement with every page read ensuring you are captivated throughout the book. A very well wrote book, making you eager to read the next chapter to find out what happens next. The epilogue however has the most creative ending I have seen so far, instead of the traditional they lived happily ever after it actually offers an very well chronology written abstract that presents the main plots in the book.

March 15, 2024

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