Ace: His Queen Of Heart Reviews

ioana cernat
Very captivating from the first few chapters...the web of entangled plots is amazing. It keeps the reader in suspense until the end, offering excitement with every page read ensuring you are captivated throughout the book. A very well wrote book, making you eager to read the next chapter to find out what happens next. The epilogue however has the most creative ending I have seen so far, instead of the traditional they lived happily ever after it actually offers an very well chronology written abstract that presents the main plots in the book.
March 15, 2024
Driyah Johnson
This story is sooo good like it messes with my emotions, with my heart stings. Ace is something else I tell you that, but his love he has for her is genuinely beautiful and crazy but not too much where he’s going crazy. He went and got her he loves her! Now that she realizes the lengths he would go for her makes it all the better. Reed is the little brother that is angry big brother is hurt but big brother made the decision to go for her and you followed. You got this Ace.
February 7, 2024
Danelle Swanepoel
Absolutely amazingly written. Thank you so much for this great book. The descriptions were magnificent, a real treat to read. Would have liked to read more about them after everything. You have a real talent for writing. Would definitely recommend this book.
January 1, 2024
Good to read this book . . . It's nice . . . I like the plots and twist this novel holds . . . More interested in knowing what's comes next . . . I feel something more spice needs to be added in this . . . But I like it as ace cares about Aurora and Aurora realising her feeling towards Ace . . . Need more of closeness to be mentioned . . . Novel words should have written in simple words sometimes bit complicated to understand
December 24, 2023
Bshsn. Ahd. Hs dvd. Hx dhd dhd dhd dhd d he dhd dhe dhd chd dbd dbdudke d hx e xhek xbhe e dhns. Rnd d bsn d xhw. Hssj cbci iwh e d dhkaoowhwhw. D zjwouebe x xmakshs. Hj zbzhd d dhe d dud. Xhdbd s sbjs d dhdhd dbdhd d dbdbd dhdhe. Dhehe dhe. Sus ehz ehh nh hzbe zbejeh s snwube sbushe d s jehe d. Snskahd. Kaihe. Snodh good book hshsbshdudnbdhs. Hjsbsbd njagsvs. Jzusbe. Z jshg
December 20, 2023
Interesting book although i think it's a bit difficult to read as it is.. But the plot is interesting i can say at least. The irony of events in this story is what keeps you on reading. Although the book has no romantic scenes for the couple Ace and Aurora and it kept me wondering why? I don't say make it R18.. But just something more intimate to declare more love to each other the duo.. My opinion in conclusion is that the story is interesting but it for me to be wow it must contain some things more of details and a more readable language. Thank you
December 14, 2023