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I Still Hate You

  • 👁 13.2K
  • 8.6
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Ethan Miller was the hottest guy in Greenville High School. Girls loved him, guys wanted to be him. He just had one problem, Corey Price. Corey Price was the complete opposite of Ethan. Ethan did not like his lingering looks and admiring glances. It made him furious. Corey was the bane of his existence. Ethan's solution was to beat and torment Corey and make his school days unbearable. Corey's wounds never healed. His fondness of Ethan turned into hatred and he vowed to never forgive him. But, he spent years working on himself and has emerged a stronger, better person, ready to take on new challenges. Finally confident, he's about to take on a new job. Until he discovered who his new boss was. It was none other than the monster himself. Ethan Miller


Oliver Hellström

Review after half of the novel

Quite a few twists and turns. It starts with a mid slow pace and picks it up along the story. I like the storyline, where the main characters starts out being bully and victim. To see the recovery process thats still going on throughout the story. And see how he mentally slips back when he is being met with anger from his former bully, now his boss. And at the same time se how the bully realizes his feelings and his process in accepting them, to actually trying to win his now love over.

March 28, 2024

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