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Yes Daddy

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MONALISA I had always believed that I was insensitive to a man's touches. My last experience had made me believe so much in that but my belief changed that one night. A mistake brought me down on my knees in front of my father's best friend, Lucius Devine. It was a mistake that should have never been repeated but I could not help it. I could not help wanting him more than I should ever want my father's best friend. Yes I did, I wanted him, wanted to call him daddy and wanted him to have me as he pleased. And I knew... Behind his restraints, he wanted me as much as I wanted him. YES DADDY....

Chapter 1


I walked down the rainy and lonely path leading home, not caring about the rain pouring down my body and wetting me up in a way my boyfriend could never.

My boyfriend had just broken up with me and I was heartbroken, perhaps not very much so, but it did hurt me. His reasons? I never responded to his touches well enough and never melted in his arms like I should.

He claimed I never let him touch me enough too. Just once I had let him touch me and his remark? I was dry as fuck and penetration would hurt.

That was just a week ago and today he had broken up with me, giving me one advise... To become a virgin nun for the rest of my life as I was too insensitive to a man's touch.

I was mad at how much he had shamed my body. It wasn't a lie that I couldn't get wet with him but I knew that was not entirely my fault. It could not be my fault totally. It had to be his fault too.

I had to be sexually attracted to some type of people but I had no idea what type of people I could be sexually attracted to. At a point, I had thought maybe I wasn't straight but that wasn't the case.

I was straight but I was hardly aroused by my now ex boyfriend and the other guys I had around me didn't interest me at all.

"To hell with him!" I muttered, almost angrily and stopped at the gates that led into my home.

The lights were out and that was a little bit weird as I was sure that mum should be inside. Brushing it off with a guess that she went somewhere and was caught up there because of the rain, I proceeded into the house.

My father was dead, long dead in fact. I was just 6 when he died and if it wasn't for the pictures I stared at constantly, I would probably not even recall what he even looked like.

After my father's death, things had gone south for a few years until we suddenly moved into this huge beautiful estate. Mum said it belonged to Dad's friend who had found out about our pathetic state.

I had never seen him, never even heard his voice but he was the owner of the estate and also the one sponsoring my education. Mum said he was a kind man and that was pretty much all I knew about him.

I pushed the door open after unlocking it with my thumb print and walked into the living room.

It was dark inside with only a small, dim lamp turned on but almost immediately, I sensed the presence of someone in the living room. I looked towards the sofa and I was shocked to find a man sitting on the sofa.

He was shirtless and the only fabric on him was the towel wrapped around his waist. As much as the first thing I wanted was to scream at this strange man in our house, I could not.

I found myself tongue tied. His abs were visibly well built and those biceps and triceps, they made my insides churn with excitement!

His tanned skin looked so smooth, so well taken care of and my gaze trailed slowly to his face. He had a stern look on his face but that didn't take one bit or gorgeousness away from him.

I could see his ice blue eyes as he raised his head up slightly and his eyes met with mine making my heart jump.

That was one weird feeling. I had never felt my heart react like that to my now ex boyfriend.

"What are you doing?" He spoke, his lips moving and my wet thighs subconsciously clamped together. He sounded so.... So hot! Unbelievably hot and the reaction that just ran through me was one I wasn't sure I had felt before.

"Get over here already, I am not so patient" he added in that same voice and my body reacted again. But this time I tried to reason, who was this man? Why was he in my home? And why was he calling me over?

Yet strangely, I could not reason. His voice was authoritative and I could not help myself from doing just what he said. I walked over to him, my wet thighs brushing each other.

"A naive girl is what I get tonight? Get down on your knees already. Now." It was more like an order from him and that tone just made it clear that whoever this man was, he was used to giving orders.

I wasn't the type to always follow orders but with this strange man I didn't know from Adam, I really felt like following his orders and doing just what he asked me to do.

"I.... I don't..." I tried to find words to say but a deep groan from him cut me off as he gripped my thigh, sending an exciting sensation running through my body immediately.

"On your knees" his eyes told me he didn't have much patience anymore.

This is a stranger. You don't know what the hell is going on right now. You don't know this man. You don't know why he is in here.

I tried to tell myself all of that but my body was clearly not listening as I very slowly slid down to my knees, my gaze on the hot stranger in front of me.

My knees hit the cold floor, my lips softly parting as he reached for his towel to pull it off.

"Get to work."


Hello everyone! Thanks for choosing to read this book. 'Yes Daddy' is an heavily erotic book so kindly go on if you love an erotic ride with plot development alongside. I hope you all love this book.

Edit: In compliance with the rules of the platform, the first chapter has been heavily edited

Chapter 2


I spat on the older stranger's cock a bit more and then moved my hands again. It was easier this time and I bet it felt better for him too as I heard him utter some curses, definitely in pleasure.

"Use your fucking mouth, already" his hands suddenly reached into my hair and pulled me down onto his cock.

If I was capable of reasoning at this point, I would have yelled at him but I had lost the ability to reason. Very strangely. My lips parted, spreading wide to let his huge, thick cock into my mouth, hurting the sides of my lips but though it hurt the sides of my lips, my pussy definitely thought otherwise.

I felt an almost uncontrollable ache in my pussy. I was unmistakably horny at the intrusion of this huge cock in my mouth.

"You little slut have a tight mouth, don't you? O gam!" He groaned and his hand around my head pulled me again to take more of his cock.

I had only taken the head of his cock in m


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