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The Billionaire's Bride: Our Vows Do Not Matter

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After being betrayed by her stepsister, Cathleen left the country and went abroad. However, on the day she returned to NYK, she was asked to marry the same man she caught sleeping with her stepsister 3 years ago. Cathleen agreed, as she was marrying the man to save her grandmother and wanted revenge, as well as to cut ties with her family. To her surprise, the man she married wasn't the man who betrayed her 3 years ago; it was a different man she had never seen. What happened to Finn? How will she get her revenge?  Her stepmother and stepsister found out that Finn wasn't the owner of Knight Group, so they devised a plan to make Cathleen marry the lapdog while they found out who owned Knight Group. But with Finn on the run, who then did Cathleen marry? Xavier was dimmed to be a cousin from the farm; little did the mother-and-daughter pair know that he was the big shot they had been looking for.


Kayla Miner

Review after the novel completion

Loved the book it kept me on my toes. My favorite was Cathleen she was cold and calculated she new what she would and would not deal with she sacrifice her own needs for her grandma how ever that part was kinda lost I would have liked to know more about that relationship. I also feel like Olivia could have been writin off a little sooner or maybe have Caleb look into who spiked Cathleen drink. Also would have liked to read that her being the best lawyer did not get lost in the story!

April 24, 2024

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