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Arranged Marriage With My Devilish Stepbrother

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Abused and constantly used by his mom, his mom arranges a marriage between his step brother Ash and him. Steve knew it was for her own selfish desire but he was happy because he was in love with his step brother, but Steve didn't know that Ash only agreed because he wanted to make make him suffer because he hated Steve because he was birthed by a selfish woman. Steve suffers humiliation and constantly abused by his Ash. Ash constantly treats him like a s*x tool, When he finally makes his mind to leave Ash, he finds out he's pregnant for his him but because he thinks Ash would find it disgusting Steve decides to hide his pregnancy from him and leave. Dear readers and Viewers, explore the Love/Hate relationship between Ash and Steve, Steve's undying love for his Step-brother and Ash's never ending hatred for him. His determination to make Ash return his love back, with all humiliation Steve isn't one to give up so easily.



Review after the novel completion

I like this novel and ending was great. It felt good after reading the story of steve and ash how ash misunderstand steve because of his step mother. His step mother married his father for money . Thank you for thus novel.

March 16, 2024

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