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  • 👁 11.8K
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Daisy - Her parents sold her as a child to gain money, and locked into a life under contracts she finds herself sold from one owner to the next. Her final owner: Dean, uses her in a way none of her previous owners have, and his gambling addiction has the whole house of slaves moving from city to city. Their final stop is in the Devil's city, and there is where Daisy first meets Demitri Devil, and he learns that Dean is not the man that his brothers want in their city. However, Daisy isn't weak and isn't afraid to fight for what she wants. Demitri Devil - Meets Daisy at a brothel, where he pays extensive amounts to have her. Only once in the room, he isn't after s*x, instead, he asks her why she is doing it, telling her there surely is another way. He never goes there to buy women but to try to show them they can survive another way. Only he is stunned to find out Daisy makes no money from her time in those rooms. The second time he finds her there, she looks ready to drop and surprises his brothers when he arrives home with her for the night. Marcello Devil - He told Demitri he was crazy for bringing her home and buying her for the night to give her a break. Only he goes one further and he finds her in another business, he offers her a week away from Dean. Dean is all too pleased to take the money. Calix Devil - Seems to be the only one making his brothers realise they can't keep paying to keep Daisy for the weekend to get rest, but that goes wrong when they decide to buy her whole contract.

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  • 👁 6.5K
  • 8.1

"Tell me, Eleanor, do you like seeing me like this? Do you like seeing me angry with you?" he yells, banging the spot above my head. I keep my mouth shut so I don't say the wrong thing and make him angrier. "F*ck*ng answer me,". "N-N-N-o-o," I stammer. "If you don't, then why don't you ever listen to me? The spanking wasn’t enough? Do you need me to unleash my beast on you before you listen to me?" he asks, and I shake my head this time to tell him no. "Then give me a reason why I shouldn't take you across my legs right now and give you twenty lashes on each *ss cheek for laughing at something Evan said," he says, and I pause for a minute. "You shouldn't spank me because it's my right to laugh or not at what Evan said." "You see, Eleanor, that's where you're wrong. Only I can tell you if you can laugh or not." "Excuse me?" I ask, looking at him confused and wondering if he's on something. "I own your laughter, Eleanor." "No, you don't." "I do. And not just your laughter. I own all of you." Eleanor Brown is a lovely lady trying to make ends meets. She lands a job after an unfortunate event happens to her. She is excited and can’t wait to start a new chapter in her life. Unknowing to Eleanor, this new chapter of her life will be filled with a lot of troubles. Her boss, Jason Crawford, believes Eleanor wants to work for him for other reasons, and since he can’t fire Eleanor, he decides to make things difficult for her.  Will Eleanor survive working with a boss who hates her, or will she quit and back off the deal even though she needs money?


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