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Sarah Payne

  • Unlocked Chapters: 281
  • Novel Reviews: 1

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  • 👁 2K
  • 10.0

I stared at the tests, my hands trembling, tears welling up in my eyes. My worst fear had come true—it was... positive. Oh no... it was positive. Sh*t! "Zoey... what the hell do I do?" My voice quivered. "I can't be pregnant... I can't!" God! This can't be real. I couldn't be pregnant.... This would screw everything up even more. A baby, at such an early age, especially when my mates were f*ck*ng thirsty for my blood, I could never afford this. Ever! "Maya, please try to calm down," Zoey urged, guiding me to sit down as I shook uncontrollably. "No, Zoey. I can't calm down. I'm pregnant, and the fathers of this child don't even care about me! They're trying to kill me. What am I supposed to do with this baby?!" I gasped for air, on the verge of hyperventilating. "This is messed up. I have no idea what to do, and if they find out, they'll only make things worse for me,'' Tears rolled down my cheeks; This was such a misery. As the daughter of the Alpha’s Mistress, Maya was an outcast within the pack and tortured by her step-brothers. Alpha's sons—Maximus and Leonardo Sterling, known as the Sterling Twins—Were future Alphas of the Blackthorn pack and had a mission to make Maya's life hell and the best opportunity landed in their hands on her eighteenth birthday it turned out they were her mates. On the very first night, they snatched her innocence and forcefully marked her...all to seek revenge for the wrongs her mother had committed. And when it came to torture the Sterling Twins knew no bounds.... But... What would happen when Maya became pregnant after being marked by the twin stepbrother mates and she decided to escape? And What would happen when several years later the twin alphas decided to pursue her again in order to make their son the heir of the pack?

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  • Author: Ms.M
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 14.4K
  • 9.1

Gabriella is married off to an Alpha by her parents against her will. She is forced to leave her old life behind and move in with the Alpha, who is known for his power and control within the pack. Despite her initial resistance, she eventually comes to accept her new life alongside Alpha Aiden. However, she soon realizes that the Alpha is a cruel and abusive man who uses his position to control her every move. Aiden wanted the title and to receive it , he had to take a wife. As Grabiela is about to enter his life, Aiden decides to make it fun and turn it into a game, with her as the main pond, between him and his friends. When the abuse and lies weigh too heavy she realizes that she has to leave but will he let her go? Or will he tighten his grip and lock the doors? ”I’m guessing the meeting wasn't to talk about the food arrangements for when you take over the pack?” ”They’ve arranged for me to marry Gabriella Santos from the Trimoon pack,” ”So what, when have you ever backed down from a challenge?” ”How is tying my life to another in marriage, a challenge?” ”The challenge is to make her submit to you.” ”We’ll make it more interesting-” ”- I bet you won't be able to get it done before the end of the year,” ”I’ll have her submitting to me by the end of the month,” ”Not just submit. You have to have her wrapped around your finger, hopelessly in love with you by the end of the year,” ”Ten grand to whoever wins,” Explicit sexual abuse, violence, and otherwise TW scenes later in the book. Will warn in Author Notes***

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  • 👁 9.7K
  • 9.5

He told me to clean his room. This was the day my life changed and I began living in hell. I’ve always been treated as a slave and bullied by other pack members but I had just turned eighteen that day and my mate was revealed to be the pack’s alpha, Jacob. Instead of outright accepting or rejecting me, he hurts me in the worst way by cheating on the mate bond while I am in the same room. He claims this she-wolf is his chosen. Then why is he not releasing me by rejecting me? Instead, he keeps me a prisoner in his room most of the time and has s*x with his chosen and even other she-wolves. He even stole my innocence. He tells me he keeps me for his wolf as it keeps him calm, but I think he is just a psychopath who gains a thrill in torturing me. His chosen is just like him and she also enjoys it when he causes me pain. ********************************************** My best friend (who is an omega like me) heard from the beta of a neighboring pack that his Alpha was looking for me. I discovered we knew each other as children when his family came to this pack to visit the current alpha’s parents for a meeting. My friend contacted the alpha by phone, and he decided to make plans to come for a visit, when he did, I found out he was my second chance mate. How is this possible when I am still mated? ************************************************ ************************************************ I am Alpha Chase Carter and I have been searching for my fated mate for years. When I thought of what my mate would look like I would close my eyes and see the red-haired girl from my past. I’ve never forgotten her because I was always enthralled by her beauty, even at her young age. With her red hair and green eyes, she reminded me of a goddess in the form of a seven-year-old. I was twelve at the time. One night I had a dream or possibly even a vision of a red-haired beauty in pain. When I saw the source of her pain being a man in bed with a blond, I felt enraged. I woke up sweating and with a lingering nagging feeling that I needed to find her. Is it true? Is she, my mate? I remember the man calling her name, Amethyst. I must find her. I must save her.


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