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  • 👁 5.8K
  • 9.7

Many years before, Vinicius of the Midnight Pack had only two choices: hand his hybrid family over to the ruthless Lycan King, or death. He chose to keep his family hidden from the tyrant and hid them deep in the forest, in a place he never thought the Lycan King would find them. But he did. Paloma, his eldest daughter—now eighteen—was snatched by the cruel Lycan King’s soldiers. Her family got away, but she didn’t. Her execution for being a hybrid—half-human and half-werewolf—would be a public one to show the entire kingdom that matings between humans and werewolves were forbidden. Everything changed when the Lycan King’s son, Maximus, realized that Paloma was his mate. Paloma soon discovered that Maximus was just as cruel as his father. Yet, there was a protective side of him that she didn’t understand, and whenever it presented itself, it perplexed her. He appeared to hate her but protected her from all harm, especially from his father. When an enemy of the kingdom presented itself, Paloma was once again taken hostage and used as a pawn in a dangerous game. The price for her life was the crown. At first, she was terrified by the enemy, but afterward, she discovered that not everything was as it seemed and that the Lycan Kingdom had terrible secrets. Would Maximus save her or would she have to save herself? Most importantly, would the secrets revealed to her change the way she felt about Maximus forever, or would they emerge from the war stronger than ever?

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  • Author: S. Wills
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 1.9K
  • 8.8

«¿Y si te dijera que vas a conocer al más apuesto de todo un reino de hombres lobo? No cualquier hombre, sino el Alfa heredero al trono, y tú serás su futura esposa». Anne Marie Delacroix, Condesa de Holst, ha recibido esta sorprendente propuesta de los emisarios del reino Lycan. Es la oportunidad perfecta para escapar de su pasado y ser libre, dejando atrás un reino que la aborrece debido a su reciente divorcio. Sin embargo, pronto descubre que el hombre de sus sueños no es tan perfecto como se lo habían descrito. El Alfa Gael Blackwood carga con una maldición que lo ha dejado ciego, lo que ha hecho que todas las mujeres del reino que antes lo amaban por su incomparable belleza ahora lo desprecien. Ninguna está dispuesta a casarse con un hombre discapacitado. Aunque a la Condesa poco le importa si Gael es ciego, siempre y cuando sea tan guapo como se lo han descrito, accede sin pensarlo mucho a ir con los emisarios y conocer a su futuro esposo. En el camino hacia el reino Lycan, son atacados por tropas enemigas y su carruaje cae en un pantano oscuro que los absorbe por completo, poniendo en peligro la vida de Anne Marie. En ese momento desesperado, un lobo blanco gigante y malhumorado aparece de la nada para salvarla. Para su sorpresa, este lobo resulta ser Gael, el Alfa. Una noche a solas en el bosque es suficiente para encender la llama del amor entre ellos, superando todas las barreras y prejuicios. A pesar de las dificultades y los obstáculos que enfrentan, su amor florece y se fortalece con cada desafío que superan juntos.
