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Best Romance Novels

Sweet Demon

  • Genre: YA/Teen
  • Author: Jblake
  • Chapters: 115
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 19.2K
  • 8.3
  • 💬 0


Adam Hughes is pure danger, every pore of his body screams it, and not exactly because of the outrageous scars on the side of his face. He's the kind of guy you don't want to get involved with because you know, above all else, he'll tear you apart. He's the kind of guy who keeps a terrifying amount of secrets disturbing enough to make you want to run away from him as fast as possible. He's the kind of man who's capable of making you touch the sky with a kiss..... I know I have to put as much distance between me and him as possible because his world will end mine if I don't put an end to what I feel..., but I can't do it. I can't run away from him. Not when I love him like I do....


Lilly Ferraz

Review after the novel completion

Dear Writer, thank you for the story. Loved the story line, but at times it was confusing. The he she context was confusing, when you meant she you said he and visa versa for the opposite sex. More description could have been given at time as it was not enough. Thought Luci would have become stronger as the story as a person and personality. Thought she would have become more like the "Demon", but had a weak character until the end. Luci's hopeless character drove me insane. Will dying that made me sad, was hoping he and Adam relationship was more reflected in the book. But like I said, Awesome story line and I enjoyed it. Thank you L

January 27, 2024

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