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Pregnant For My Bully

  • 👁 19.2K
  • 8.1
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Ever since her parents died, nerdy Amelia Forbes has always been bullied by the school's bad boy and jock, Jason. Ruthless and drop dead gorgeous, Jason makes her school years a living hell. Meaner than the devil himself, he is always sure to ruin Mel's day. One day, they are paired up for a school project and in the process of working on the project at home, Jason forces himself on her. Ashamed, Mel feels disgusted with her inability to stand up for herself and soon, she finds out she is pregnant with her bully's baby. Scared out of her wits, poor Mel is helpless. No one is willing to come to her aid except Adrian, Jason's best friend. And as Jason sees Mel with Adrian, he begins to get jealous and soon, he finds himself falling for Mel. But will Mel ever forgive him? Will she ever forget the wrongs he had done to her?


Isabel V Gonzales

Review after the novel completion

I love this story it was okay in the beginning. Then it started to get me angry because all the bullies and also because what that boy Jason did but little by little he started to change and made things right. Amelia and her forgiving him is wonderful because I understand that it's hard to most of of the time or people actually don't forgive. Jason turned out to be a good father and willing to be there for Amelia.

April 13, 2024

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