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Pregnant For My Bully Reviews



Review after half of the novel

I'm glad this is fiction, otherwise I'd be wondering why law enforcement wasn't called. The antagonist seems to be a complete psychotic sociopath, who is a total narcissist. He does not seem to have any redeeming qualities at all, totally unlikeable character. How come there's no bruising for anyone to notice when he chokes her, and when Kimberley threw the plate,why was there no staff there to witness that. I haven't finished the story as of yet, but I really hope it ends with a prison sentence for the antagonist and expulsions for some of the other bullies.

April 26, 2024

A Gezalian

Review after the novel completion

Went through a wide array of emotions with the story from hurt to anger to hurt again then warmth. I had to finish it. Loved that I could see into both mindsets and read exactly what they were feeling and the emotions that played from each situation. It showed the complicated feelings of loss, of loneliness, of bullying and of love. Enjoyed reading about his growth even though at first I wanted to hate Jason one of the main characters

April 19, 2024

Isabel V Gonzales

Review after the novel completion

I love this story it was okay in the beginning. Then it started to get me angry because all the bullies and also because what that boy Jason did but little by little he started to change and made things right. Amelia and her forgiving him is wonderful because I understand that it's hard to most of of the time or people actually don't forgive. Jason turned out to be a good father and willing to be there for Amelia.

April 13, 2024

Nicole Stellmaker

Review after the novel completion

A beautiful story of showing forgiveness its earnt. Bullying is never ok and showing how it can get to extremes ,tells us there is always a hidden reason behind being the bully and falling from grace can make you humble .knowing that a tortured soul can come back from the dark to become a better person shows there is hope for us all . Moral of the story tho I feel is find a person to talk to , get the help you need for both the person being bullied to the bully them self ,enjoyable read

April 12, 2024


Review after half of the novel

G o i h hb hcy gd=u txt u h y txtu ictd5dy h h 6f7vjh fyxy y y G o i h hb hcy gd=u txt u h y txtu ictd5dy h h 6f7vjh fyxy yG o i h hb hcy gd=u txt u h y txtu ictd5dy h h 6f7vjh fyxy yG o i h hb hcy gd=u txt u h y tG o i h hb hcy gd=u txt u h y txtu ictd5dy h h 6f7vjh fyxy yxtu ictd5dy h h 6f7vjh fyxy y

April 8, 2024

Alimac 12006

Review after half of the novel

Me parece buena la historia, es un poco traumatica la verdad y me siento muy mal por Amelia y espero que más adelante pueda superar todo lo que está pasando, me parece que Jason es una muy mala persona y que no tiene ningún tipo de empatia por nadie es un egoísta y aunque su madre haya muerto no tiene derecho a tratar así a Amelia. Espero que el desarrollo d ela historia más adelante pueda ir a mejor en el desarrollo de Amelia

April 7, 2024

Creshendol Mitchell

Review after the novel completion

I absolutely loved reading this book! People are often blinded by hatred and do things that they believe are justified and that’s exactly what Jason did to Mel. I felt bad for Mel and everything she went through and even though Jason was full of rage and hate I also felt bad for him. But he actually deserved what he went through and she was innocent from the beginning. I’m glad that him in Mel has a good ending. She’s a great person for still seeing the good in him regardless of the countless times he showed his evil side.

April 6, 2024

Mille Hedrich Sjøgren Pedersen

Review after half of the novel

I think it's a good short story with good details and descriptions, I'm looking forward to reading more and seeing how it ends. however, I also think that it has been a bit long-winded, you have to get through almost half of it before what the short stories are about happens, so I can be a little worried that the rest of the short story will be with less detail. But its stil a good story so i just have to read it to the end

April 5, 2024

melissa dishneau

Review after half of the novel

I like this story I’m just not sure where it’s going, if there is going to be a happy ending or if she will have some happy moments so far her story is sad and has no promises of joy in her future and that makes me sad, I am also concerned that the title is foreboding to her being pregnant? And that really scares me from where I am so far. I hope things get better for her

April 4, 2024


Review after half of the novel

I like the storyline well enough, but it does move somewhat slowly. And I am frequently finding myself having to reread some sentences or passages and rephrasing them to make them more understandable or make more sense, as some places are poorly written or not edited very well, and are thus confusing. Also, the title should maybe be "Pregnant By My Bully," as the current title implies consent of the act and that the subsequent pregnancy is literally for the bully.

April 4, 2024