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Lily Hates Me: A Bully Romance

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Jacob has always been the biggest bully in his school. He preyed on the weakest kids and enjoyed watching them suffer. One day, he saw Ryan, the nerdy new kid who just moved into town. He immediately marked him as his latest victim intending to make his high school life miserable. But everything changed when Ryan's sister Lily came to his defense and caught Jacob's eyes. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on and he vowed to do anything to make her his.


Lia Amstat Chicote

Review after half of the novel

It is fun You can read a lot of books. The story are interesting and a diverse The only thing I don’t like is that you have to pay to read books, and if you to have more money you have to read new books, and that make you reading pile really long so you forget the book you were inatyally reading, and also there is any. Book in French. That is all because I don’t know what to say else

April 2, 2024

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