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Werewolf Story

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The werewolf Apocalypse The story follows the werewolf Canal, a member of the familial Dianna tribe of Irish werewolves, and works alongside his pack. The eco-terrorist group, Lambda Mankind, fighting against an oil subsidiary called Enron, whose president, Richard Watkins, willingly serves the Worm to disrupt the balance of Gaia. In one of their missions, Canal, along with his pack mates, Canal's brother-in-law Rodeo, Ava, and his wife Lyudmila, infiltrate an Enron facility. Their plan tampers with the data of their oil extraction and forces them to pull out of the region. During the raid, Lyudmila is killed by a werewolf in Watkins' security, and Canal soon accidentally kills another pack mate, Raid, and blinds Rodeo. In shame for what he has done, Canal leaves the pack.

Chapter 1

Darkness, where supernatural beings, such as vampires and werewolves, secretly struggle for power. The world is ruled by three entities: The Wild, a chaotic, creative force that creates life and oversees nature; the Weaver, which is tasked to give form to the Wild's creativity, organizing the Earth; and the Worm.Which originally existed as a balancing force between the Wild and the Weaver, originally a force of breakdown and renewal. But, which has become like a black hole trying to destroy everything due to how powerful the Weaver has gotten, and which corrupts humans easily.Act one, scene one. American northwest.It was another dark day like no other, heavy machinery sounds could be heard coming from a work site with workers walking to and fro holding heavy equipment. On the other side across the site, a figure could be seen donned on a casual wear with shades on his eyes. His name was Canal. He was a member of the familial Dianna tribe of Irish werewolves, and works alongside his pack with the eco-terrorist group, Lambda Mankind, fighting against an oil subsidiary called Enron.Whose president, Richard Watkins, willingly serves the Worm to disrupt the balance of Gaia. He stared at the site and was about walking in when he saw a military war tank been driven into the site?Furthermore, he looked surprised,“what the hell is that doing here ”, he spoke to himself as he slowly runs away from the site.A few minutes later, a young lady comes out of the tank, donned in a military uniform. She was fair in complexion and average in height with the military cap on.She walks up to a male figure standing inside a room. He sensed her present and drops down the cup slowly joining his fingers together, “what do you have for me”, he said with his back view against her.She tilts her head up as she salutes him like a military officer,“we were able to capture some werewolves and vampires who were trying to disturb our mission”, she replied to him with a firm tone.He chuckles with a smirk,“that is good to hear, now just take your leave and make sure you kill those supernaturals you captured”, he said as she walks away from his office.The male figure was Richard Watkins, who is working for an oil subsidiary called Enron, and he also serves as the president of Enron. Richard Watkins, willingly serves the Worm to disrupt the balance of Gaia.He was average in height and was fair in complexion. He was not a supernatural but a human and was also a very intelligent minded human being.[At an unknown place].The young lady from the tank walks into a room. Inside the room, they were some unidentified figured tied up to the ground.She smiles as she had a gun with her, accompanied by some other men who were also heavily armed.She takes in a deep sigh as she stares at them, “so now you all are all going to die, hope your hero Canal is going to save you”. Not only that, but she keeps her words to herself as her rage leads her into her destruction.“Take care of them, don't kill anyone of them until I say so”, she spoke as she walks out on them, leaving them locked in.The young lady was also known as Major Dusk, known as Tank Girl, is an employee of Enron. She commands the Enron troops against the Caren of Tanker's Mill.[At an unknown place].“Vroom”, figures could be seen streaking through the scene with approaching sounds of heavy moving machines dashing through the Earth's ground.“Get him, he went over there”, a voice spoke with footsteps dashing through the entire scene.A figure could be seen struggling to move on his feet’s. It turned out to be a Canal. He was badly wounded from what seemed to be a bullet wound. He huffs as his sweats slowly drops on his feet’s with him letting out a wheeze as he squeezes his wound.“How do I escape those bastards”, he stares at his wound before saying again,“I don't think I have enough strength in me to hold them back, I should better run off before they sight me”.He spoke as he slides his left leg outside and was about sprinting off when he hears a trigger clinking, “d*mn”.He whispered to himself as he swiftly dodges the bullet and moves through their middle with his contracted claws and fangs as he was merely shape-shifting into a werewolf. Furthermore, he glares at every one of them as his supernatural form slowly heals his wounds.“Get down, or we fire”, one of them said aggressively as himself and his crew pointed their guns at him.“We know that you are a member of the familial Dianna tribe of Irish werewolves, and we know that you also work alongside the pack with the eco-terrorist group”.He spoke in a high tone and went on saying.“ If you turn yourself in, you might be spared or even forgiven for your sins”, he said with a smirk, but before he thought of doing anything nasty.“Swish”.Canal's claws went through his gun, slicing it into half, leaving him in shock as Canal vanished from the scene.Swiftly running through the asphalt roads at super speed with Enron men running after him, but they were sent for by major dusk.“Don't worry about him, just let him be. He is going to return here, and we will finally catch him and kill him like Richard Watkins always wanted”, she said as the scene slowly fades away.[At an unknown place].The midnight critters could be heard voicing through the environment, with Canal firmly working in with his half wolf form. He stood still as he slowly shifts back in to a human with his fisted clenched like he wanted to punch someone. As he stood still, he could hear footsteps approaching his destination.“I was not expecting you here, Canal”, she said, letting out a smile as Canal turned his side view against her.“I know you were not also expecting to see me alive”, he replied to her as he slowly flashes a smile on his face.She walks away from him saying,“are you going to follow me or remain here then get killed by Major dust”, she spoke as Canal followed her into what seemed to be a room.“Welcome to my home”, she said, as he was marvelled by what he saw.“Well, well, I am really going to give you a five star after this review”, Canal spoke with his head tilted up and with his eyes widely opened.She let out a loud laugh, hearing his reply.“Well, thank you so much for that review”.She replied to him, and she went as far as asking him about his failed mission.“What were you doing at Enron, you do know that supernaturals like yourself are just going to get killed”, in a soft tone with Canal firmly looking away from her with a frown on his face.

Chapter 2

¶ Canal is having a conversation with a young female Beta whose questions frightened Canal, and he is now trying to avoid her from asking him more questions ¶.

Previous scene.

“Well, well, I am really going to give you a five star after this review”, Canal spoke with his head tilted up and with his eyes widely opened.

She let out a loud laugh hearing his reply, “well thank you so much for that review”.

She replied to him, and she went as far as asking him about his failed mission.

“What were you doing at Enron, you do know that supernaturals like yourself are just going to get killed ”, in a soft tone with Canal firmly looking away from her with a frown on his face.

Present scene.

He clenched his fist as her words angered the beast in him.

“ I cannot answer that question, why don't you go ask the alphas of the hills and am sure they will have a perfect explanation for you”.

He replied as he was aggressively heading to her do


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