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The Rejection

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Chloe's life is shattered when during a date her mate - Jeremy, the Beta of her pack - rejects her and confesses he loves another woman. She is ready to beg and just die on the spot until a stranger stops her. The rejected mate of Jeremy's lover. In a world where separation between mates is unheard of, Chloe has to fight the effects of the mate bond and its strive to either kill her or make her lose her mind. And the only way to do that is to join forces with Finnian - the other rejected wolf. But will they survive when the whole werewolf kind is against them and their own mates are the ones who cursed them? There are threats lurking in the shadows, stalking after them and everything they've fought for. This is book 2 of The Rejection Series. Book 1 - Rejecting Her Mate Book 2 - The Rejection Book 3 - The Curse of The Rejected Mate All books can be read as standalones but follow one common theme - rejection.



Review after the novel completion

I absolutely adored this novel! It is exceptionally well-written, with relatable and likable characters that had me rooting for them from the beginning to the end. The plot and storyline are exciting, keeping me engaged throughout. I read the whole novel in one day! The only downside was the fate of the best friend, which left me feeling very sad. I wish it had turned out differently for them. Despite this, "The Rejection" is an outstanding novel that captivates and leaves a lasting impression.

March 24, 2024

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