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About me

Hey there! Thanks for checking out my stories or account! I hope you have fun here! Some info about me: a metalhead, k/c-drama lover, book lover, like watching urban exploration/haunted house videos, true crime, and creepy mysteries. Love listening to true scary stories while I work. All of my stories are mature for different reasons. I love dark romance, paranormal/fantasy/sci-fi, comedy, new adult, adult. Are there perfect humans in the real world? No? Then don't go looking for those in my stories. The characters you'll see here will have their own flaws, their own demons to fight, and they will not always make the best possible decisions. But don't let that stop you from loving them. Or hating them, to be honest. It's your choice. PS. I thrive on comments and giggle at all of them. So, don't be afraid to write one (or a thousand)!



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