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The Rejected Mate

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Sophia is heartbroken when her mate, Alpha Blake, chooses her stepsister over her. Devastated, Sophia decides to start a new life in a different country, where she finds a job working for her pack's biggest enemy, Alpha Derick Mondragon. Although Sophia knows the risk of working for her pack's enemy, she needs the job to begin her new life. Derick has been silently searching for his mate for a long time, but he has not been able to find her. Despite meeting many female werewolves, none of them are his mate. Sophia endures the mistreatment from Derick and his werewolf employees, but her resilience and hard work do not go unnoticed by Derick. One night, under the full moon, Sophia and Derick accidentally touch each other, and they both feel a mate bond that has not been felt for centuries. Sophia and Derick are fated mates, and they both feel an instant connection. Derick realizes his mistakes and apologizes to Sophia, but will Sophia forgive Derick?


Shasta Ruiz

Review after half of the novel

This book is so good. The story between Sofia and Derek is a refreshing take on second chance love. It nice to see a character not go back to the guy who rejected her and had a change of heart. It seems like Leah is changing also. There are a lot of twists and turns in every single chapter. I would like to see Sofia begin to be a lot stronger. She has such great potential. Love reading this story so far.

March 2, 2024

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