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The Lycan's Human Mate

  • 👁 19.5K
  • 6.8
  • 💬 0


Due to the heartache, she receives from her fiancé, Jaidyn makes an impulsive decision to continue the trip she had originally intended to do with him. As soon as she arrived in the town, she had an overwhelming attraction to both the setting and the enigmatic man. However, secrets have come to light as a result of her continued presence there. She was more than just a human; she was the mate of a being that she had never in her wildest thoughts imagined to exist. With her heartbroken over her ex-fiance and prime life in another country, she was in for a ride that will set the course of her life.



Review after half of the novel

The beginning takes you with it, but it's not yet really gripping. There are also some grammatical errors, which would bother someone who is very grammatical. At the beginning, the main character is also not shown as likeable, but compared to other books, Lican King has to fight a little more for the woman. Unfortunately, it is not clear where the story is going and what awaits us, as it is only indicated on the expectation of parents and between searches something in the text can not be completely clearly prescribed. Red thread missing

March 27, 2024

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