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The Hell

  • Genre: Werewolf
  • Author: Emy
  • Chapters: 4
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 6
  • 5.0
  • 💬 1


was sixteen years old when he was first killed, when he stood on Matthew's chest, his best friend and blood spurted from all over their bodies so that it was an exhausting and even battle between them, until Matthew at last gave way to victory. Jaden breathed out, feeling the fires of hell all around him. His palm shook over the sheath of his sword, recalling that nightmare that steals sleep from his eyes, the moment he was kneeling on Matthew's chest, raising his rusty dagger, reluctant to take his soul, his eyeballs shaking turbulently and his chest rising and falling at an exhausting pace, and Matthew grabbed his trembling palm and led him towards his chest containing the dagger. Empty not to retreat, not to coerce and relieve him from his hell, to kill him and prove to everyone that he will no longer be the prey. On that day, everyone around him was waiting, waiting for him to retreat in order to pounce on them, the mighty king's monsters, who made a vow to himself to turn his life into hell from the moment he was born and did the most heinous means and ways

Chapter 1

She opened her eyes, the eyelids heavy, as a bright light swept through her eyeballs without warning, her body shook violently, breathing hard, feeling excruciating pains in every inch of her body, as if a truck had trampled on her. Thick, she raised her head up and watched the hot sun rays sneak through the holes in the quilts of herbs and branches, illuminating the hole that contained them.

She furrowed her eyebrows, not understanding what was happening around her, closed her eyes, trying to urge herself to understand what was happening with her or to remember why she was here??!! And when she came back empty, she was terrified and afraid, rising from her shrine, and she was lost around her.

She was trying to get out of the hole by climbing up that wall of weeds, but no sooner had she caught a tender branch than he let her down, placing her on the ground.

Her back returned her to the bottom of the pit.

She sighed in relief at the pain that had gripped her for a moment, fading away gradually.

She listened to her surroundings, hearing the harmonious sounds of nature in a wonderful symphony, the rustle of trees, the clash of nearby waves and the chirping of merry birds aroused her curiosity,

She tried to straighten her seat, but she was unable to experience a disturbing dizziness that chained her movement. She groaned, soaked in a wave of pain, but she did not give in to her stubbornness to urge herself to stand up again and try to get out of this hole in which she found herself without any idea of ​​the reason, pointing to her eyes with her palm that she extended. Before her, smeared with a dark, sticky, dry liquid, and her tattered clothes stained with the same liquid, blood! Is it blood?

She rose in terror, checking whether she had a wound, and when it was ascertained that she was healthy, she experienced a different kind of panic, blood from this?! Why is she covered in blood without being able to remember anything about it??!!

She gasped, shedding involuntary tears, trying hard to find something in her mind, to return empty, anxious, ignorant, not having an answer to any question that came to her mind!


Coming out from under a cascading torrential water and icy cold, he pushed his blonde hair back, revealing his emerald eyes, away from his slender, muscular body jutting out of the stinging water range toward the nearby rocks, where his usual clothes, brown leather pants and a wide leather belt draped over his shoulders, awaited him. The right hand is towards his left waist, and there are sleeves for his weapons that do not leave him day and night.

He bundled him, wearing his leather boots, which are the afterlife, containing sleeves for his daggers of various sizes, and he walked back towards his small village, which numbered no more than fifty people, as it began two hundred years ago with seven people, and now they are multiplying at a rate that satisfies him to the point of gluttony.

His clique consisting of his loyal men and their families who swore allegiance to him and kept their oath even after the passage of all those centuries.

They searched for him and followed him after he broke with the rule of Hardin and came out from under his authority, so he became one of the fugitives who demanded their head at any cost.

So he chose for himself this remote island to be his shelter away from all the memories of the past in which he grew up, a past tattooed all over his body that overlooks him every time he sees the reflection of his face on any surface that crosses his path.

A past that visits him from the depths of Hell, haunted by its spectra with nightmares that refuse to leave him even after all those centuries have passed.

He raised his head and watched the disk of the sun, which was preparing to set behind the horizon, bidding farewell to the island leaving coldness and darkness, announcing the end of the children"s play period and the start of the parents" role in guarding the area from the attack of what remained of the savage Sirana.

He admits that what the twins of Kayden, nicknamed the Daughter of the Sun, did, aroused his fascination and appreciation. Celine, the daughter of the sun, who unleashed her revolution on Zein and all his descendants, transformed their hideout that had protected them for centuries into a mass grave that contained their remains.

And now they and his males are trying to eliminate the rest of them to protect his village and his family from their brutality and tyranny.

He left the waterfall area and penetrated into the dense forest, which the twilight began to adorn with its calm, serene colors, disturbed by the croaking of frogs and the howling of owls scattered around.

He slowed his steps, slipping his palm toward the sheath of his sword, taking an attacking posture, when his ears picked up the vibrations of malicious footsteps coming from his right, brimming with his senses with a strange smell of unknown nature. Its prey struggles to keep its soul in its bed, feeding the specters of its hell that refuses to free it.

He was sixteen years old when he was first killed, when he stood on Matthew's chest, his best friend and blood spurted from all over their bodies so that it was an exhausting and even battle between them, until Matthew at last gave way to victory.

Jaden breathed out, feeling the fires of hell all around him.

His palm shook over the sheath of his sword, recalling that nightmare that steals sleep from his eyes, the moment he was kneeling on Matthew's chest, raising his rusty dagger, reluctant to take his soul, his eyeballs shaking turbulently and his chest rising and falling at an exhausting pace, and Matthew grabbed his trembling palm and led him towards his chest containing the dagger. Empty not to retreat, not to coerce and relieve him from his hell, to kill him and prove to everyone that he will no longer be the prey.

On that day, everyone around him was waiting, waiting for him to retreat in order to pounce on them, the mighty king's monsters, who made a vow to himself to turn his life into hell from the moment he was born and did the most heinous means and ways.

He looked around and saw their thirst for blood, beasts devoid of feelings of kindness and pity, machines made to kill without mercy.

He decided that day to be the executioner instead of the one who was lashed, and since that day killing became his hobby, a hobby he took that taught him the laws of survival, either to be the murdered or the killer, the prey or the hunter, the oppressed or the oppressor, and he decided that everything after the or..... ........


After a lot of effort and countless attempts, and bruises all over her body, she was able to get herself out of that hole. She crawled out of it, gasping for breath, feeling very dry in her mouth and throat. She needs water now and immediately....

She was moderate, trying to re-arrange her worn-out, tattered clothes that were drenched in blood, evidence that she had gone through circumstances and sufferings, and only the Almighty knows her nature...

She looked around the place to remind her of the reason for her presence there. Questions ran through her mind without finding an answer to one of them:

where is she??

What brought her here?

What happened to her to be in this body??

Whose blood are you covering??

She listened to the sound of the roar of water coming from a place nearby in the forest, urging her feet to head towards it, so that she might find fresh water with which to quench her thirst.

But she took a few steps away from that ominous hole until she found herself facing a gladiator who froze her to the ground, snatching her breath from her chest, and stared at him in terror, stuck in her place, trying to urge her feet to obey her desire to escape in the opposite direction.

She stared blankly, her eyes wide, unable to crystallize what she felt in his presence, a mixture of fear, dread and dread, striking in her eyes his huge size, his great height, his leather clothes for gladiators, his many weapons and his sword drawn in her face.

She raised her troubled gaze to his face, as she saw that bulging scar on his face extending from the top of his left cheek to the bottom of his palate, and his wet blond hair that took up space on his shoulders, prolonging her gaze at those two sparkling gems that gave off a cold, icy feeling that she felt deep inside her.

Anger flying from his eyeballs, which turned from one moment to the other into two frightening darkenings, a cruelty that she felt surrounded her like a thick cloud, and hatred whose features seemed so clear that it puzzled her.

She retreated a few steps, certain that even if she tried to escape, she would not be able to get away before he could catch up with her and take her soul without hesitation, but despite her certainty, she forced her legs to change their course and flee in the opposite direction for a miracle that would save her from the clutches of that barbarian criminal.

Jayden drew his sword, anticipating the attack, the moment the shape of his prey appeared in front of him, with a strange smell of blood in his nose, the smell of a strange mixture and not strange, which aroused his confusion and curiosity, and when he was surprised by the form of a small female, small in size, she turned around in loss as if she was searching for something,

Walking aimlessly, urging her feet to continue walking, perhaps she would find her goal. Watch her approaching him in that miserable manner, oblivious to his presence, until she was right in front of him. Then, she felt him covered in her stiff ground, trying to derive her strength from a tree trunk near her. vampire ,

This island is not inhabited except by his tribe, which was and is still out of sight, even from the eyes of Kayden himself, who does not know their existence.

He watched her flee in front of him after she boldly examined every inch of him, looking at his face, which aroused the escalation of his anger.

He put his sword back into its scabbard and followed her with bored steps, watching her stumble to come back and stand up again. He continued to run away while holding his eyebrows twisting his lip with a sideways smile. Do you think she would be able to escape from him that way??

He allowed her to move away later, waiting for a moment when she would fall to the ground and unable to stand again, feeling her feeble breath, which only indicated her weakness and exhaustion.

But even if that was the case, how did he end up on his own island, a small remote island lost in the middle of the ocean, located in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, in a strategic location far from the border, thus ensuring that he and his people would not discover the matter of their existence.

And as he expected, she fell to the ground and remained, unable to stand again. Exhaustion and fatigue exhausted her and undermined her tricks and will, and her legs failed her, so she knelt on the ground on all fours, feeling her dry breath like knives strewn through her throat, esophagus and lungs, until it reached her, wishing that her intense breath would stop and have mercy on her from this. possibility.

Jayden arrived at her standing above her head, looking at her from above, and she remained unchanged, head bowed, waiting for him to end her life and end this torment.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

His deep voice penetrated. He heard her mixed with the noise waving inside her, she gasped trying to calm the pace of her breathing shaking her head, thinking about his question, who is she?!

Why don't you have any idea who she is??!! Who is she and what is she doing here??!!

" What are you doing here?? What brought you here??!! Jaden repeated his question with annoyance, had it not been for the question of her being here that raised his question, he would have separated her head from her body without bothering to ask her, but he needs to know how she ended up on his island, he needs to make sure that she is alone and there is no one to come behind her.

"I don't know, I don't know, who I am, or, how, you came, no, here," she answered after trouble, thirst swept her body to the point of climax, as she did not drink now, she will die before the sword strikes her neck.

Her answer did not satisfy Jayden doubtfully, so he decided to spare her life for the time being, at least until he found the answers he sought.

He put his sword back into its sheath and pulled the water-bag from his waist and handed it to her, and she lifted her neck, staring at his outstretched arm, not understanding what he was doing.

As soon as he uttered those words, she pulled her towards her mouth to sip from her the cold, pure and delicious elixir of life, with greed and greed, feeling the water that revives everything that crosses its path, until it reaches its dry depths, re-supporting it with strength. slow down »

She followed the bagpipe with her eyes, thinking of attacking him and getting her back from him, but she was surprised by him pulling her by her arm and leading her behind him before she acquiesced to her desire.

Forced to stumble repeatedly, unable to keep up with his speed, she followed him, colliding with him every now and then. Unconsciously, she embraced his arm, which was holding hers, trying to rely on her, muttering, "What are you doing?? Leave me, let me!! »

"You're not going anywhere, you'll come with me until I make sure of you, and then I'll see what I can do with you."

"Let me, I know nothing, I swear to you, I don't know how I got here."

She answered him in a panic attack trying to remember anything, anything about anything to return disappointed and empty as if her mind was a pure white page devoid of any kind of memories.

"Ah, I have my own ways of reminding you of all these things, move on," he growled in a threatening tone, releasing his arm from under her fists, pushing her in front of him this time.

He took her out of the thicket of trees and herbs after the sun had completely gone down, drawing her attention to the fact that he was heading towards a high rocky wall, concealing the features of what it contained between its flanks.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him, watching the wall with suspicion, what motivates him to build a wall of this size, what is he trying to keep inside, will he keep it inside??

"Advance." His dry response was to push her violently in front of him, and she sank her feet into the ground, refusing to move from where she was, begging for him.

"Let me please, I don't want to come with you, let me."

Exhausted from her patience, he pulled her off the ground and threw her over his shoulder, following his angry steps. In his life, he never forced himself to deal with such a situation without having the slightest idea of ​​his next step.

And in his whole life, he did not force himself to keep someone's life without sufficient justification to force him to do so, but now, even he is surprised at his behavior with her, wondering why he prevented him from knocking her neck there in the forest where he found her??!!!

He narrowed his pupils, shocked by her fingertips, which curled up in his hair, pulling him violently, and shouting, "Get down, barbarian, take me down, I'll kill you, I swear I'll kill you if you don't bring me down right now."

"Oh, your scent has done its duty and more, O Almighty, since when did you not wash yourself?" He answered her, measuring the distance left for him to reach the entrance to the village, holding his breath before passing out.

The door to the fence opened the moment he reached it, one of the guards on duty addressed him, "Gayden!! Isaiah and Rakan left behind you, they were worried when you were late to come back."

Jaden swears swearing at his little monster's *ss roaring

"Stop, or I will throw you to my ferocious beasts who will eat your flesh alive."

From her continued restlessness, she slipped from his shoulder towards his lower back until her head was at the level of his buttocks. She watched the earth move from under her rapidly, causing blood congestion in her brain, and it was only moments until she lost consciousness, resting in his arms.

He breathed a sigh of relief and hurried her to his house, drawing everyone's attention to him, who stopped their work watching him and those with him with wonder and wonder.

Chapter 2

He pushed her to him, ordering, "Book her in the back room and offer her food and drink. Do not allow her to leave her, do you understand?" »

And Zakaria prompted him to carry out his orders without hesitation or inaction, and would he dare to ask him?? No, he doesn't dare, because that's how he trained since his childhood, Jayden's orders are not refused, discussed, or questioned for any reason, and this understanding between them is the main reason for his remaining throughout those centuries his loyal servant and helper.

He followed his gaze for a moment, disappearing in the hall, and then went back to the forest to meet Isaiah, and they had to comb the beach to make sure that there were no other intruders.

He has lived for three hundred years on this island without ever revealing himself or encountering an incident like this one, no human being has ever reached him, and a very small number of vampires.


Either they


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