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The Betrayed Luna's Rebirth

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Having been betrayed once by the people that mattered the most to her and nearly losing all by reacting drastically as a result of the blinding pain, Danielle decided to make ample use of the second chance gifted to her by the moon goddess. She was going to live for herself and lock her heart to love. Alpha Andre Cletus noticed the change in his mate and he wondered what could have caused it. He felt the sudden barrier she had erected around herself and it both puzzled and worried him like nothing rarely did. He was angry when she refused to tell him what the problem was but he was prepared to do everything within his power to make things go back to what they used to be no matter how difficult his mate was being. Would they pass through this phase of difficulty in their love match made in heaven or would the unknown forces fighting them prevail?

Chapter 1

[Andre's Pov]

I sat inside what I love to call the council chamber after having a long talk with the elders. When one of the Omegas, a man came in. He halted not too far from me.

"Alpha," he bowed in reverence, then straightened, "You have guests and they insist that it's important."

"Who are they?" I asked.

"They are of the pack." He responded.

Paonia Village was a gateway to a park and as such, we not only lived among people but regularly ran with visitors. Though, we were more isolated but never less attentive.

"Send them in," I commanded. I always had it in the back of my mind that I was going to be the Alpha of the Miganon pack eventually unless the moon goddess made a different choice. But I never anticipated it would be this soon. My parents were slaughtered almost a year ago by wild beasts as the people called them but I knew better, it was a werewolf. The elders suggested that it had to be from another pack but I don't know what to believe.

Not too long after their death, my uncle's mauled corpse was located in his apartment by his son, my cousin, Steve. Since then, Steve had identified some renegades inside the pack and since I wasn't sure whether they were innocent of my parents and uncle's killing, I killed them without compassion since then there hadn't been any fatalities in the pack.

I glanced up as the Omega came in with three individuals. I knew that they weren't humans. They were werewolves.

"Alpha," they chorused and offered the sign of respect. They were two ladies and one man. I could see the concern in their expressions.

"Speak," I said.

"Three nights ago, my parents, and theirs," the female who spoke pointed to the other two "Jack and his partner Maddie, went hunting and they're not back yet. They never informed us that they would take this long and if they had intended to, they would have told us. We would want to go out to look for them and it would be very much appreciated if you could send some people with us to search quicker."

I hope that they were merely frightened about nothing but I sent my Beta a message through a mind link to rapidly prepare a search team outside my gate.

"Your wish will be fulfilled, just exercise a little patience," I responded.

"Thank you, Alpha." She said and the other chorused after her. I didn't have much to do so when the search group was waiting outside, I went with them all to search after we had already acquired a detailed description of who they were.

"Thank you, Alpha." She said and the other chorused after her. I didn't have much to do so when the search group was waiting outside, I went with them all to search after we had already acquired a detailed description of who they were outside, I went with them all to search after we had already acquired a detailed description of who they were.

The search party was split into three groups of five each, with frightened offspring in each group. We were all in our human shape, it was full daylight and we may have come across visitors. Living in a place that was quite near to a tourist hub has made our pack very mindful of our every step. A few months back, a report came to me that people were inquiring about seeking exceptionally large-sized wolves.

Some of the humans living near us had an idea that werewolves existed even if they couldn't figure out who was who but we had saved them from other packs times without numbers and in exchange they kept their mouths locked. So when the interested visitors inquired about huge-sized wolves, they were assured that it was all in their brains and that no such creatures were located near their region.

They remained and when they grew weary, they departed. A few of the pack members wanted to scare them away but I held them back because there could be repercussions; things could get out of hand and the humans could get killed and in a case like that, their people would come looking for them and they could find something else and even if we could cover our tracks, which we can, they must have told someone about their findings. And that would lead to war between our kind and humans. There would be a bloodbath and I wasn't ready for such an occurrence.

There were some of us living on the fringe of the villages so we always knew when a new individual was amongst us, we not only knew about them, we recognized their faces.

We went for nearly an hour looking for the missing pack members until I smelled it, and I was sure the others scented it too. Following the directions of the scent, I discovered corpses, brutally mauled ones. The faces seemed familiar so I knew they had to be part of us. One of the kids with us raced to the dead, fell on her knees near one, and wept very loudly. It wasn't long before the other groups made their way to us. And we had three of the offspring in grief as each identified their lost parents and relatives.

When Mark tried to go toward them, to interrupt their crying, I stopped him.

"Give them a minute," I replied. A chance to let out their grief and sorrows. I understood what it felt like, I had been in their shoes at a not-distant period. I know how horrible I felt when I discovered my parents were in the same state. I unloaded my rage on the renegades that my cousin had miraculously dug out. I understood him, his father died in the same way so it was easy to believe it was the individuals who had gone rogue who was responsible for the strange deaths but they were dead, I made sure of it so who did this? This reeked of werewolves. It may or may not be from our pack and that was where I had an issue. If it were from the Miganon pack it would be an issue, it meant I had to be on alert to be on the lookout. If it weren't from The Miganon pack, we still had to be alert and maintain a watch. This was making a total of nine persons who were dying strangely for a year and six months.

"Give them a minute," I replied. A chance to let out their grief and sorrows. I understood what it felt like, I had been in their shoes at a not-distant period. I know how horrible I felt when I discovered my parents were in the same state. I unloaded my rage on the renegades that my cousin had miraculously dug out. I understood him, his father died in the same way so it was easy to believe it was the individuals who had gone rogue who was responsible for the strange deaths but they were dead, I made sure of it so who did this? This reeked of werewolves.It may or may not be from our pack and that was where I had an issue. If it were from the Miganon pack it would be an issue, it meant I had to be on alert to be on the lookout. If it weren't from The Miganon pack, we still had to be alert and maintain a watch. This was making a total of nine persons who were dying strangely for a year and six months. ever really been a time for me to visit, and now there was plenty of time to explore the things I had dreamed of seeing.

I grew up in a relatively hectic city where there was barely this type of quietness. While I enjoyed the business of the city, this was also extremely excellent, it would do. It had to, it wasn't like I had many options as to where to stay. We had gone past the Bright Angel trailhead. Thank God there was a tiny signboard to offer me a little educational tour in directions, seeing as my driver wasn't exactly a talkative guy.

I heaved a heavy sigh as I peered out the window again. I chose to perceive this new activity of mine as an adventure rather than a duty since it was genuine. I had a motive for coming here, a reason I need to strictly defend and conceal because if it should go out in the open, I would be doomed. The pack I was heading to was not renowned for its leniency. The current alpha wasn't someone anyone wanted to deal with. I had to act gently, extremely carefully.

As we went past several buildings, a few had small children running about in some residences with picket fences. We passed several folks who were trekking, others were snapping photographs. Humans are always so curious and wander into situations where they have no business entering. I'm a werewolf and I scarcely like humans but that would change seeing as the pack I was heading to had a friendly connection with their human neighbors.

The vehicle stopped and I looked up at the place where I was meant to reside temporarily, at least until I acquired a more permanent abode. According to my study, this place wasn't far in the Paonia village and wasn't far from the pack where I had to travel later in the day

Chapter 2

[Danielle's POV]

In the kitchen, I helped my mother, Kimberly Johnson, with chopping vegetables. I listened to her describe how her day went in detail. She was a kind and lovely tour guide for the Paonia National Park. She is a very beautiful woman in her forties, with thick black hair that fell to her waist and prominent cheekbones.

My hair was thick like hers, but it was colored like my father's. It was brown rather than black. I didn't go to school that day. I seldom ever missed school, but my mother always let me when I wanted to.

I was stuck slim and taller than my mother, which made me the target of cruel bullying at school. I don't often let it bother me, but this morning I didn't feel like confronting my classmates or the townspeople. Humans and werewolves were attending my school, even though not all of them were aware of our presence. Being a werewolf myself, I could identify who was one and who wasn't.


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