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Best Romance Novels

Stuck With My Alpha Mate Who Hates Me

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Winter's heart is broken when her crush, Julian, turns out to be mated with her adopted sister, Amelia. However, their parents order a marriage between Winter and Julian to unite their two packs. "Is this what you want? Do you want to marry me?” he asked. As his finger sunk into her wet p*ssy, he fought back the groan that threatened to rise up his throat. Every time he faced her, he lost his control and did things he hadn’t planned. Her impact on him was far much more than Amelia ever had on him. She swallowed as she looked into his stormy blue eyes. She knew he hated her. But she didn't regret submitting to him. "Marking me as yours, Julian," she whispered. "You really are a woman who will do anything for your purpose. I’m impressed,” he snorted. He s*ck*d her skin and his gums tingled, his fangs itching to elongate and pierce her skin. If he pushed just a little harder, he would mark her. He didn't. How cruel and depressed for her that he took her but did not mark and claim her as his mate! Will Winter win Julian’s heart finally, or will she give up on him while he’s always hurt her?



Review after half of the novel

The novel so far is great! The plot twists and turns that have taken place are actually fascinating to read about, you can really feel the emotions of the characters and the clear characterisation of their personalities. This is one of my favorites on this app so far, I love how this novel doesn't point out Winter (The main character) as a weakling with no wolf and bla bla bla. It focuses more on her insecurities and morals that actually keep her behind in succeeding. Love it!

June 27, 2024

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