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Stuck With My Alpha Mate Who Hates Me Reviews


Vallerie Moulton

Review after half of the novel

This a great novel. I love the way Julian finally stood up for Winter, against her mother and bratty sister. He realized that Winter was the one being bullied by her sister. I only hope that Julian's two brothers will be able to handle Amelia when they find out that she is not what they thought. They also may want to apologize to Winter for what they said to her on the bus. Hopefully they won't try to help get Julian awa6 from Winter.

June 30, 2024


Review after half of the novel

The writing is better than most on-line free novels. Grammar and spelling. And the plot makes sense so far. Haven't yet figured out the characters motivations and the plot twist. Enjoying it so far. It hasn't gone down a rabbit hole with strange twists. I'm not scratching my head wondering why the characters can't see the obvious or ask common sense questions. Winter and Julian can turn out to be just normal decent individual instead of something over the top.

June 30, 2024

Zoe Box

Review after half of the novel

Besides a few spelling errors, i absolutely love this book. By far it has become my favorite book within this app, and i am only 42ish chapters in. I cannnot wait to see where the rest of the book goes and how the characters develop even more! I love the fact the plot twists regarding winter and julian. I have nothing more i couldn’t honestly say other than READ THIS BOOK!!!!! I promise it will be one of the best reads

June 30, 2024

Sarah Payne

Review after half of the novel

So far the book is a good read. I am a little confused as to why they lied about which one is adopted but I'm sure it's going to come out eventually. I'm not a fan of the younger sister she's a horrible person. I also would like to know how she knows the rogues of she is the true daughter of the alpha and Luna. I really like the chapter that raven took her out to party and then sent the video.

June 30, 2024

Janellys Rodriguez

Review after the novel completion

Loved the storyline. Thou I wish there was a little bit more of depth of the main characters love story towards the end, I can’t really blame the author because it pretty much explains itself. I’m just a romance freak lol that loves love. But I’m glad that it ended the way that it did and everyone got their karmas for everything mean and rude that was done. But I did want to know how was Winters, Blue, and Arther relationship afterwards besides blue fighting to dent his sister In law at the end. Still a great story though and recommend.

June 30, 2024

Christine Johnson

Review after half of the novel

This story is full of twists and turns. It is a good novel to read and the writer really keeps you wanting to turn the page. You get view points from many characters and the writing is well put together. It shows how people can be miss read and when looking from the outside you really do not always know the whole story. Dive into the lives of Winter and Julian as her sister Amelia take them on a rough ride. You definitely don't want to miss this one.

June 30, 2024


Review after the novel completion

This book is pretty good! It started out kind of slow I’ll have to say but then it picked up and at times was frustrating due to the main characters but they figured it out and it got good again. I hope that the author will go into other books with the other twins cuz I wouldn’t mind reading about them! Especially after all they’ve gone through I hope that their stories are just as good as their older brother.

June 29, 2024


Review after half of the novel

The novel so far is great! The plot twists and turns that have taken place are actually fascinating to read about, you can really feel the emotions of the characters and the clear characterisation of their personalities. This is one of my favorites on this app so far, I love how this novel doesn't point out Winter (The main character) as a weakling with no wolf and bla bla bla. It focuses more on her insecurities and morals that actually keep her behind in succeeding. Love it!

June 27, 2024

Linda Guinnip

Review after half of the novel

I love that Wonter is starting to stand up for herself. I love that Julian is starting to realize that Amelia is an evil manipulative witch and will do anything to get what she wants. I do not think she is going to stop though and I forsee Amelia and Julian's brothers trying to do more to try to hurt Winter. I am wondering what is going to happen when Winter finds out that she is not the true daughter to the Hart's and that Amelia is.

June 27, 2024


Review after half of the novel

At first I didn't like this book and I didn't understand it I thought it was all over the place but now! I'm really enjoying this book now, I love to see winter winning, I love seeing innocent people winning. I can't wait for them to start working together I want Amelia to die of jealous 😆 she doesn't deserve to be Julian's mate or wife because she is spoiled and I can see that she doesn't want Julian she just hate the fact that winter is happy...big up to the writer for making Julian see Amelia's True colours she doesn't deserve your kindness

June 26, 2024