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My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning in the Flames of his Vengeance

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  • 9.3
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They say there is a fine line between love and hate, but where does one end and the other begin? When does something so pure become something so toxic that even you yourself cannot fathom when things changed? This story starts on the day that my parents were killed. That was the day that I felt like my entire life had ended. If only I knew then that it was only the beginning of the storm I would be made to endure. Struggling to grasp onto the threads of my unravelling life, I found comfort in the arms of someone I didn’t truly know. His dangerously handsome looks and his lethal allure consumed me, and, despite my every instinct, I fell. He became my world, the very air I needed to breathe, the only one that I thought I could rely on... but then, in the blink of an eye, everything changed. When the truth of my very existence and reality was revealed, he cast me aside and lit my world ablaze, leaving me to burn in the flames of his hatred. Even then, we were still intertwined together by one fate. My name is Yileyna De’Lacor, and this is my story. For updates, character aesthetics and more follow me on author.muse on IG and author muse on


Dottie Gladden

Review after the novel completion

I love this story. This is my second time reading this book and I would read it again. I have laughed and cried many times through out this book. The author has done a great job pulling me into this story and making me feel like I personally know each of the characters. I love strong female characters. I do wish there would have been more of a back story on Theon’s parents. Why was his dad so crazy? What about his mom? So many questions.

April 27, 2024

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