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Moonlight Muse

  • 👁 132.4K
  • 7.2
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About me

Just someone who is penning her wild imagination onto paper...


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  • 👁 25K
  • 5.3

Princess Layana's birth was a mystery and her heritage a secret. Despite the luxurious life of a royal, she simply wished for a life away from the cage-like palace. Declan of House Storm was the sole survivor of a massacred clan, an event that gave birth to the darkness within him. Fuelled by hate, rage and betrayal he wants nothing but to get revenge on the royals that slaughtered his family. What will happen when the shielded princess with a heart as pure as the first ray of dawn meets the heir whose soul is shrouded in a blanket of darkness. Will he set her free from her shackles? Will she be able to lead him to the light before it’s too late? When the first whispers of darkness spread from the borders, they are brought together to protect the kingdom.Beware the prophecy decreed a long time passed for it may hold their world in its balance. -------- “It seems Lord Declan holds more ignorance than he is aware, we are women with emotions, wishes and hopes that we put behind us for the betterment of the kingdom,” Layana said her eyes flashing “Do enlighten me, what exactly can the precious jewels of the kingdom do for its people?” Declan mocked arrogantly. “Jewels? You compare us to items devoid of emotions, but yes, like jewels, we will be given away to the highest bidder. So before assuming princesses are simply there to play dress up and have tea parties, remember our lives are not simply fun and games!”

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  • 👁 20.1K
  • 8.7

"Run little she-wolf, as far as you can because if I ever catch you, your worst f*ck*ng nightmare will become your reality.” He whispered dangerously, his grip on me painfully tight. A smile curled the corner of my lips, and I raised an eyebrow, running the tip of my nail down his chiselled jaw challengingly. “Oh but you’re wrong Blue-Eyes because I am the stuff of nightmares, and I'm here to create hell in your life. Not scared, are we?” Icy blue eyes met my unblinking bright blue. “I'm warning you, don’t mess with me.” He growled. “Oh? But the thing is, I always do what I'm not supposed to.” ----- Azura Rayne Westwood. Known for her devilish ways and wild personality, was the youngest child of the renown Westwood couple. From her days at the Academy, word of her antics spread far and fast, yet there was far more to the young nineteen-year-old woman. The skeletons of the past are never left buried, and life isn't all as carefree as Azura portrays it to be. When demons from her past begin to make life difficult, she ends up making an even bigger mistake. Spending a night of intense passion unknowingly with the infamous stone-hearted Leo Rossi, changing her life forever. When Leo finds out that the woman he bedded was from none other than one of the packs he resents the most, he turns away from her, but he forgot one very vital detail; Azura was no angel, and when you mess with the Westwood Devil, you're tied for life. In a journey of passion, fire, strength and rejection, who will triumph? The young girl with the heart of fire, or the Alpha who yields nothing but hatred and resentment?

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  • 👁 6.9K
  • 6.5

Skyla Silara Rossi is the 18-year-old daughter of the Lycan King himself. She attends Midnight Academy, a place that is a safe haven for the supernatural, but for Skyla, it’s not enough. She still doesn’t fit in. Unable to control the power and rage of her beast, she isolates herself from the world. With each passing year, her Lycan is getting stronger. Becoming harder for the young princess to mingle with those who have now come to fear her. This year, there’s something different that awaits her return to the Academy, in the form of two sizzling Alpha males. Aleric and Royce Arden are the twin sons of the Alpha of The Shadow Wolves Pack. With blond hair and icy grey eyes, the twins are walking gods, ones that any girl would desire. Even Skyla Rossi. Coming from a pack that holds its own secrets, they both have come to the academy as new teachers. Each with his own hidden intentions. Yet when their lives intertwine with the Lycan Princess, everything is thrown upside down. A relationship between a student and a teacher must be kept a secret, especially when it involves the King’s daughter. Skyla spells trouble and danger, but can the wild Rossi be tamed, or will her emotions and power, mixed with betrayal, destroy her forever? In a dance of lust, lies, and forbidden desires, will Skyla find her knight in shining armour, or will the Arden Princes be her ultimate downfall? A Feisty Lycan Princess, a Charming Science Professor and a S*xy Broody Trainer; what could go wrong? Oh yes… everything. Book 3 of the Rossi Legacies Book 1 & 2 are under the title Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire.


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