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Best Romance Novels

Luna Returns

  • 👁 16.6K
  • 7.5
  • 💬 0


Daisy turned Eighteen which happened to be the worst day of her life as her family is slaughtered on her birthday. She runs for her life and ends up in her aunt's place, who happens to be her mom's younger sister. She starts digging up on her past as she finds out that her father's best friend who is the father of her boyfriend is behind the death of her family. She embarks on a journey to find justice for her family where she reunites with her supposed to be dead brother and they both continue on their journey for justice. She finds her way back to her pack, the crescents pack but she is forced to face her boyfriend



Review after half of the novel

So many things happening! Just when I think I got it all figured out WHAM a curveball comes at you! Really enjoying the story and can’t wait to see all the drama unfold and the glory go to the victor. So many hidden secrets and unanswered questions though. Definitely keeps the reader on their toes and anxiously waiting for the next chapter. I don’t like the fact that I have to wait for an hour for the next chapter 😂

April 1, 2024

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