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Hunted by My Alpha

  • 👁 47.9K
  • 7.0
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The hunt is on… Cara, a shy, friendless librarian doesn’t know why the notorious player Rig Landon has suddenly started paying her attention. After escaping the iron grip of her alcoholic father, she’s at university to learn, not play, and she tells Rig so. Repeatedly. But Rig bet his packmates that he could seduce any human female they choose—and they chose Cara. Cara’s total lack of game puts every one of Rig’s seductive talents to the test. But he’s persistent. And the more time they spend together, the less Rig cares about the bet, and the more he cares about Cara. Which is a problem. Because Rig is carrying a big secret. A deadly secret. Turns out Rig isn’t the only one hunting Cara… Will Rig’s secrets end Cara’s life before he can show her she’s more to him than just prey?



Review after half of the novel

The way the author writes this story is very well thought out. From the twist and turns that leads the drama into something interesting is so well written that it keeps your attention throughout the whole story. Each day I wait for every hour to run up to read the free chapters of this story, barely being able to wait for the next one. Good job to the writer! I can’t wait to finish this story and see how it ends!

February 13, 2024

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