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Hunted by My Alpha Reviews



Review after half of the novel

Even though this book is about younger people it is really awesome to see the maturity and way that some of the situations are handled. I really like how the author gives the perspective of the various characters and throws a little bit of a twist in it as well. I cannot wait to finish the book and see what is going on or with everything. I have not put the book down, and think it is a great read.

August 25, 2024


Review after the novel completion

Oh I absolutely adored this story I am even thinking of going back and giving it a reread this was a healthy easy guilty pleasure read I selfishly of course just wanted so much more intimacy and spice between all the characters and their ‘mates’ especially towards the end when more were coming out I just wanted to see so much more which is a testament to the author and their great character building because I simply adored these characters and this story and I’ll be following along for some other stories from this author from now on :)

August 12, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Well, I was really enjoying this Novel and getting into Rig and Cara, cheering them on. Then, we have this better than thou Natalie and, Mack, to me, it almost appears they are in cahoots together to blindside Rig and Cara which would really be horrible. What makes it easy for them that Cara is completely unaware she's in the midst of werewolves and their live's are a bit different to say the least. I am rooting for Rig and Cara.

July 31, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Wow and double wow! I was not sure whether I would read this story or not. So I just started to unlock chapters while reading another. But then out of curiosity I started reading it, and have not been able to put it down since. That is how good I find it. It is well written and well told. And I can’t wait to find out what will happen in their relationship how the Alpha King will react, and what is happening to Cara???

July 31, 2024

Melissa McCulley

Review after half of the novel

This book is a real interesting book and it keeps you in your toes. Rig and Mack are playing a dangerous game and Cora is for sure going to be hurt by the both of them. They are untrustworthy and do not deserve her attention at all. Rigs ex knows what she's doing and it's going to hurt Cara even more and Rig isn't man enough to stop it and stand up to her or his father.

July 15, 2024


Review after half of the novel

I thought i wasn’t going to like this book but i gave it a chance and i dont regretted a bit. I Love the story line. It keeps me to want to read more. This book is addictive and i cant put it down. I cant wait to find out how this book would end. It it so exciting reading this book it is one of the best book i have read in a while.This book is great!

July 13, 2024


Review after half of the novel

I haven’t read the novel completely so I can only give review partially based on what I read till now. I am mainly reading this story because it is complete so no waiting for updates and I liked this author’s other story . I usually like stories that don’t have too many errors and the main characters are not stupid and there is no cheating. It looks like the FL character is strong and ML is not an arrogant at least after sometime spent with FL

July 5, 2024

Evil Queen

Review after half of the novel

I read a lot of wolf novels.this story highlights one of the more inhumane aspects of these stores and that’s the female wolf and how that are treated and regarded as cattle or have no rights as per the customs. This story does a great job of recognizing and attempting to change that. I can’t wait to see that this does for Rig and Mack’s friendship or how the other wolves will treat Cara after all the tricks and lies intersect and explode in the story !

June 21, 2024

Anda Stoicescu

Review after half of the novel

Lasati bucatile la uscat vreo 3-4 zile pana taietura lor incepe sa se usuce/cicatrizeze. Nu va grabiti sa puneti in apa sau pamant, rizomii proaspat taiati au risc mare de putrezire daca nu sunt aerisiti.Dupa ce s-au uscat am pus bucatile intr-un vas de plastic fara apa, fara nimic si am inceput sa le stropesc cu o pompita recuperata de la spray de plastic cu apa de parfum de corp gen Oriflame (vezi pompita in foto de mai jos), odata la 2 zile (dat fiind faptul ca e iarna apa se evapora greu). Pe internet unii spun ca sa torni apa peste ele cam pana sa acopera un sfert din ghimbir cu apa dar nu e bine ca exista riscul de mucegaire ca sigur il veti lasa asa, asa ca mai bine stropiti cu pompita. Nu e neaparat sa fie fleasca ,atat cat sa le umeziti dar sa nu se adune apa la fundul vasului. Repetati stropitul lor la fiecare 2 zile timp de vreo 10-12 zile.

June 16, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Not sure yet.. where the story is going… I like the authors other book, so I’m willing to give this a chance. I’m not sure what else to say… xxx xxx xxx xxx dxx xxx ccc vvv bbb nnn mmm qqq www eee rrr ttt yyy I iii ok ooo ppp sa ds de gf gg huh ju kk ok zzzz xxx bc bbb nnn mmm lol pp oooo iii hhh ddd hhh ddd hhh ddd. Hhh ff

June 14, 2024