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Her Tormentor Alpha

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  • 9.6
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Starting from being best friends to slowly departing as strangers and developing into the relationship of victim and bully, Aria's connection with Hunter didn't have any other specks to grow but when fate puts them under the spell of its own-The unexpected occurs, and on Aria's eighteenth birthday which she expected to be the best day of her life, becomes her worst nightmare. It turned out that her mate is none other than Hunter Rodriguez. On one hand, there was Hunter's realization of his mistake and his attempts to earn his mate's forgiveness and on the other hand, there was Aria's fight to resist the mate bond and her feelings for Hunter that grew without any boundaries. And once the sudden mysterious rouge attacks began to take over putting everyone's lives in danger


Shattered Soul

Review after half of the novel

This is a very nice from enemy to lovers story. Hunter had been behaving so stupidly all these years. Since they were best friends he could have been more open to her about his feelings and even if not that he could have stayed friends with her only to spend good time and make happy memories atleast till she found her mate. Why torment her, why make her suffer so much that she would start hating you only to keep her close. I don't understand his POV. Then there is knight, he is a twisted soul i don't like

May 1, 2024

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