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Arranged to the Alpha

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“She has to be at an age range that was close to mine, smart, beautiful, and a virgin” he said looking at his mother whose eyes widened. “Alpha, how are we to find out if she was a virgin or not…?” “I don’t care, if I am to marry a human who isn’t my mate, then she is to be one who has never been touched by a man” the Alpha said getting up from the couch. “What are we to do, mum?” His sister asked. “We’ll find him what he asked for…” And that is exactly what they did… ************** When Alpha Blake had put out his condition on his mother and sister, he never thought that they would be able to find the woman he asked for in such a short period of time. However, when they showed him her picture, he was forced to comply. “Her name is Natalia Adams, and she is everything you asked for”


Nic C

Review after the novel completion

So for I must say that I am totally enjoying this novel. I had started it but put it so here I am back at it and it’s worth it. I love all the characters and I’m enjoying crystal with her blunt words not caring how the other receives it. She is pure and will fight for Nat at any given moment. It sucks that Nat’s family treats her that way but hopefully she find that peace of mind. Highly recommend this book❤️❤️❤️

January 23, 2024

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