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Alpha Roberto

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Anita an Omega wolf who was captured by a group of human scientists at a young age. She is subjected to years of torture and testing from those who wanted to find out more about her kind. Anita had given up hope until Alpha Roberto, a strong and possessive Italian Alpha came to rescue her, bringing her to safety. Will Anita be able to adjust after all the trauma? Especially since a reckless witch wants revenge over a past mistake, and will stop at nothing to ruin the lives of Anita and Roberto. Deaths, betrayal, trauma, will Anita survive or will the world come crumbling down beneath her?


Ashlee Knight

Review after half of the novel

I like where the story is going and how alpha Roberto is giving Anita time to heal and show her love and compassion to make her better. It does get confusing sometimes as it seems like some of the chapters have skipped information and sometimes gets the names mixed up as other names. I don’t like Martina at all I know she is up to something and I hope it doesn’t hurt Anita and she becomes strong enough to come through it!

April 8, 2024

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