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The third Deadly Sin

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  • 7.5
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"I want you to f*ck me," I blurted out and watched his eyes widen. Shaun didn't expect that from me..... Warning❗❗❗⚠️⚠️⚠️ This book contains high and descriptive sexual content, dark romance, and triggering scenes. Recommended for 18+ read at your discretion. Lindsay is trapped in an abusive Marriage. Her husband, Asher Marco is a religious hypocrite who relishes making her life a living hell. After Asher succeeds in getting her fired from her job, she gets furious and leaves the house that night. She goes to a bar where she meets with Shaun Marco, a mafia lord. Being drunk, she goes home with this handsome Greek God. As an upright woman, she isn't supposed to cheat on her husband, but she damns all consequences and fucks this man. What happens when Shaun offers her a contract to have s*x with him for a year without the knowledge of her being a married woman? And will her protective husband, Asher find out about this entanglement? Well, find out in this story........


eliza gordon

Review after half of the novel

I like this one , her husband isn't as innocent as he makes himself out to be. I just wish she trusted shaun enough to tell him the truth. I feel like id he knew , he would protect her and put Asher out of his misery he's a pathetic man. But it is well written i don't have to struggle to understand what is being said all in all it is one of the better authors and a hood story line

February 27, 2024

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