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The Mafia's Pet

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I hum, stroking my chin thoughtfully. "There's only one way to get out of that." My attention is strictly on my feisty mama now. She swallows hard, jutting her chin out in defiance. "What the f*ck do you want from me?" she bites out. Mmm, I can't wait to punish that bratty mouth of hers. "Be my pet. I'll be allowed to do whatever I want to you for the duration of the six months." ***** Diego Reyes is the Mexican mafia lord in Las Vegas running a s*x club. After finding out one of his most trusted men, Antonio Davis, stole money from him, he kills him and plans to do the same to his entire family. That is until he meets Vanessa, Antonio’s youngest daughter. He makes a deal with her that if she and her sister work for him for six months, he’ll let them go, but he wants her all to himself. He’s determined to make her his little pet and consume her mind, body, and spirit. As disgusted as Vanessa should be that she belongs to her father’s murderer, she finds herself enjoying the lifestyle and wanting more.


Audrey Robinson

Review after the novel completion

I loved this book. If her sister is dead what about her mother? Did his step mother kill the girl sister? She had too, because her son was raping his sister in law and she killed him, so for payback she killed her sister. This book was so good I can't wait for part two. Tell me how much longer I got to wait. The mother deserve some blood too. On herself someone to hurt her like she did Salvatore wife

June 30, 2024

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