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The Mafia's Pet Reviews



Review after the novel completion

Great novel, hot and steamy love story. I hoped everything would go in Vanessa's favor in the end I mean she deserved it after everything she has been through. (^^)😍 a .b .c d e f g h I just k l m n o p q r so t u v ww x y z aa bb cc dd we ff gg hh ii jj k ll mm nn oo pp qq rr as tt uu vv xx

July 4, 2024


Review after the novel completion

That was a wild ride but so good. Vanessa was naive at times, but that was no fault of her own. Most of these stories the heroine is just down right dumb, that wasn’t the case for Vanessa. She was strong and defiant and I loved her character. Diego was dark and a bit crazy. She did what she had to do to survive and Diego may have been a monster, but he was her monster and he loved her for it.

July 4, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Such a nail biting, sitting on the edge of your seat kind of story! I never know what will happen next. Good writing and choice of words. The characters are engaging and interesting. The writing is well done and without grammatical errors which is rare for most stories I’ve read online. I’m invested in seeing more twists and turns in this story and excited to read more. Definitely recommend this story and will definitely read another from this author!

July 4, 2024

Jacqueline Colon

Review after half of the novel

He is a ruthless man and I don’t like it, he is going about this all the wrong way to humiliate her by making her wear a collar and also how he humiliates her in front of his men especially making her eat out of dog bowl, but I must say I envy her she is doing what she needs to do to stay alive and not be punished anymore then she already has, but the way he treats her is disgraceful and disgusting

July 3, 2024

Kirsten van Eepoel

Review after half of the novel

Ik schrijf het in het Nederlands want dat is mijn moedertaal, al lees ik graag in het Engels. Ik vind het voorlopig een goed verhaal al heb ik wat moeite met hoe snel ze toegeeft aan seksuele verlangens. Ook vooral haar zus die zo overdreven happy is terwijl haar vader net is vermoord en zij ontvoerd. Verder ben ik wel nieuwsgierig naar het verdere verloop met de Russische mafia. En naar hoe en of ze nog vrijkomt

July 2, 2024

Audrey Robinson

Review after the novel completion

I loved this book. If her sister is dead what about her mother? Did his step mother kill the girl sister? She had too, because her son was raping his sister in law and she killed him, so for payback she killed her sister. This book was so good I can't wait for part two. Tell me how much longer I got to wait. The mother deserve some blood too. On herself someone to hurt her like she did Salvatore wife

June 30, 2024

Ann Anscombe

Review after half of the novel

Great story with twists and turns hot hot hot Keeping me enthralled and wanting to read it all the time literally can not stop reading it brilliant wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read go read

June 25, 2024


Review after half of the novel

I’m so enthralled with this book. Honestly if I had to rate my experience on here so far this story would easily be among my favorites. Diego is everything and more in a lead. The way you write makes it feel like this can easily become a movie. Every chapter I’m left hanging on the edge of my seat wondering where this next part will take me. Vanessa is almost like a doe but in a dark romantic kind of way. First book that I’ve bought more than 2-3 chapters of. Good work .

June 25, 2024


Review after half of the novel

I'm really enjoying this story. I can't wait to see where it leads. I'm still trying to figure out the characters. My heart goes out to the sisters Alicia and Vanessa. I don't understand why their dad put them in that situation. Diego really likes Nessa. I can't wait to see where the relationship goes. Alicia is off Tha chain. She's sleeping with everyone in the mafia. You can tell daddy had them locked up. She's not taking her freedom for granted

June 23, 2024


Review after the novel completion

I know I am a sucker for bad boys lol hence the loads of mafia books I read. So with this book now it truly held my interest from the initial kidnapping and how the girl was fiesty I loved her attitude honestly. When the sister got too comfortable on the first night I just said she was a cock hungry slut lol 😆 but to think that after she got comfortable and fell in love with him the sister started acting out I hated that. I didn't like the fact that she was raped multiple times hated that thought it could've gone differently but I do hope that in the second book seeing how this one ended that there won't be anymore raping on her end or anyone else's for that matter.

June 23, 2024