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The Fake Badboy and I

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[I found out Daniel Ortega, the notorious delinquent at my high school, is actually a cat-loving gentle soul. Now, it's time to use it against him to get what I want.] Things get a lot more exciting for Logan Smith, a 17-year-old student from Skyland high school, when he catches Daniel Ortega in a vulnerable state. Logan is a scholarship boy-a genius prodigy who is expected to get into the best college once he graduates. Daniel Ortega is seen as the walking terror in high school. He is rough around the edges, tattooed, tall and muscular, and rumored to be a complete psychopath. But underneath his scarred skin hides a big heart. Daniel, however, doesn't want anyone to find out about his soft heart. His reputation as a bad boy makes people leave him alone, and he intends to keep it that way. But the problem arises when Logan finds out his secret. He threatens to expose Daniel as a secretly nice person unless Daniel beats up one of Logan's bullies on his behalf. Daniel doesn't like violence, but he has no choice but to agree since he doesn't want to lose his reputation as the high school bad boy. The sooner Daniel beats up the bully, the sooner he can return to being a lone wolf. He wants nothing to do with him after, yet, Logan seems to be attracted to him like the moth to a flame, and Danny can't seem to get rid of him!



I stick my straw into my milk carton and take a long sip. My eyes wander around the nearly empty cafeteria.

I am waiting for someone.

Someone special.

I smile and wave at some kid I barely know because that's just the kind of person I am: friendly, pleasant, and intelligent Logan Smith.

Yup, that's me!

I am not exactly the most popular guy in my high school, nor am I the best-looking one? But people like me. I mean, don't get me wrong, a lot of them think of me as some nerdy guy who takes school too seriously, and I'd been bullied plenty around here, but at least I wasn't hated or feared.

Not like how they hate...


My heart nearly jumps out of my chest as I hear a deep, throaty voice, so I look up to face him.

A six-foot-five muscular figure graces my eyes, and a small smile spread across my lips. My wait is finally over.

He has tanned skin, and his shoulder-length hair is pulled back to reveal a gloomy face. Along with his tattoo sleeves, there is a big, ugly scar spread from his forehead to just below the eyebrow, completing his typical bad boy look.

This is the face of Daniel Ortega, the biggest, baddest kid in Skyland High. Or at least misunderstood as one.

"You are late. Three minutes to be exact," I announce dryly, knowing it would grind his gears.

Logan's aura turns darker as anger flickers in his dark brown eyes. He slams his fist on the table, making me jump in my seat.

"Are you trying to get beat up, Carajo? Because I can really fuck you up." Daniel is fuming in anger, but I try to look unphased. I can't have him smell my fear! It would put a dent in my plans.

"No, Daniel. I am trying to tell you that we should get this done. The sooner you do the job, the faster you'll get your freedom from me. I promise after I get what I want, you won't have to talk to me again." I grin.

"Fuck you, Logan. I swear, one of these days, I will break your nose," he hisses.

I say nothing and smile.

"Just get on with the business," Daniel, aka Danny, barks at me, and I notice again how unnaturally deep and husky his voice is. Too deep for a 17 year old in high school if you ask me.

"I just sent you a text. Did you get it?" I grin to let him know that I'm not phased by his tough guy act.

Daniel takes his phone out and looks at the picture I sent. His frown turns more serious. "This kid? You want me to take care of him? Why?"

"It doesn't matter why. I want you to beat him to a pulp and you will do it, because you supposedly the big bad wolf around here." I slowly sip on my milk, waiting for an answer.


I slam the milk on the table, then lean forward to get closer to Danny. Everyone has already left to catch their buses so we are alone now. I can act like myself at this point.

"Don't tell me you are changing your mind, Danny boy. Because if you do, there will be consequences."

Daniel peers through his long eyelashes, trying to figure me out. I look back at him. We sit in silence, playing the game of stares until Danny accepts his defeat. He looks down on his hand, his nostrils flaring slightly, but he says nothing.

He is kind of afraid of me.

The realization makes me smile.

That's right, everyone in my high school is afraid of Daniel Ortega, except for me.

Because I, Logan Smith has Danny boy all figured out.

I know his secret and I planned to use it against him.

1. Run in with the Enemy



I fling my bookbag over my shoulder, then make my way out the front door. I try to walk fast, nearly running, so my mom doesn't catch me.

She keeps forcing me to sit at the table and scarf down breakfast every day, and I am over it. Also, I have no desire to let the family chauffeur drive me to school. I'd rather take the bus with everyone else. The last thing I need is for people to think I am too good for the public school bus.

"Logan, wait."

Damn, I was so close to escaping!

"Yes, mom," I sigh and look at my mother, who is leaning against the couch. She narrows her eyes and looks me up and down as if studying me carefully.

To be quite honest, my mother kind of terrifies me. She is what you call it...sort of rough around the edges. Even my father is scared of her. The only person who isn't afraid would be my little sister Mia. She is their little princess, after all


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