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Revenge On The Scumbags

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Happiness was short lived for Rosalie, who just got the proposal from her long time boyfriend, but then was sent to the bed of a stranger by her step sister who was jeallus of her. Little did she know, the man she had spent the night with was the richest and most powerful man in J city. Months later after that night, she was pregnant and termed a failure by her family and kicked out of her home and city. Five years later, she returned as a successful business woman with a cute little son, anger and revenge solely on her mind.



Review after the novel completion

This book has gotten good. You start with one girl who gets set up by her evil stepsister and then she gets pregnant from her one night stand. She then gets disowned by her dad and thrown out of her father's house. She moves to another city and meets another girl who becomes her new best friend. They start their own business and from there have a happy life. The father of her child shows up after looking for her after the one night stand and he wants to be with her.

December 26, 2024

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