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My Daddy's Best Friend

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I laugh, and he glares at me. “God, if you were f*ck*ng mine!” “Let me guess, my *ss would be getting spanked. It wouldn’t work. I like it.” Please note - The books in the series are stand-alone; they do not need to be read in order. They are simply all forbidden love books. Harley often refuses private dances but finally agrees. She steps into the private room, expecting the usual clientele, only to be shocked by the man waiting. She dances and taunts him, keeping their masks firmly in place, hiding their identities. This man has her craving him and pleasure, and she doesn't stop him when his fingers do far more than touch. Pleasure follows and teases her after that night, and she decides to go home to her family after years of hiding her secrets from them. Harley has missed her father and his biker club, but she knows that her secrets will cause him to murder people. Her secrets are nothing, especially when her uncle Jasper tells her that she shouldn't call him uncle, and he tells her a story of a club he visited a few nights before, where a beautiful dancer found pleasure around his fingers. That dancer is her. While Jasper tries to keep his distance, the lure of forbidden love becomes too much. He knows touching his best friend's daughter, who had called him uncle growing up, is a death sentence, yet he can't stop himself. Soon, Harley finds herself calling her Uncle Jasper, Daddy, and becoming his submissive. A few close calls make them think her dad really is about to find out the truth. Only Harley forgets about her past, which shows up at her family home and threatens everyone she loves if she doesn't leave. The books in this series are all standalone, not connected to each other, but are all forbidden love.


Jessica Marie Wilson

Review after the novel completion

Wow, the ups and downs in this novel will draw you in and keep you hooked. Many trigger warnings do not for the faint of heart but for sure an amazing novel. I liked that I was never able to determine or assume what was actually going to happen next and it kept me in suspense through the entire novel. The details and emotions are written so well that you truly feel it all yourself while reading it. Putting this novel down was very difficult!

May 28, 2024

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