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Mafia Princess

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The continuation of Mafia Queen comes Mafia Princess. The second book in the series. This book will focus on Dimitri and Nicole and their relationship from start to finish. DIMITRI “I need to find her friend Konstantin. I’m not going to sleep well knowing what’s most likely happening to her.” I tell him. “She’s going to want her anyway. We will find her. For Elizabeth and you.” He tells me and then there is a knock on the door. It’s Konstantin's Papa, Pavel. He is the current head of the Bratva and the one person you really don’t want to piss off. I have led a very blessed life to be able to be raised by him and be his son's best friend throughout life. So, I have escaped a few times that he would’ve killed anyone else for doing somethings that I have done. Especially as a dumb young man. My Papa is his right hand man and has been with Pavel since he became head of the Bratva. We have all always been close. Family. “You two need to come with me, now.” He says to us. We down our drinks and don’t hesitate. He leads us to the front door of the mansion and we notice someone running up the driveway. It’s Ivan and he’s carrying someone. I come off the steps to meet him because my heart hits my stomach when I notice that it’s a blonde headed woman and I just know that it’s Nicole. Konstantin follows me and we meet Ivan. “Someone just rode up to the gate and dumped her out. There was a note stapled to her stomach that said ‘your green dress wh*r* is next,’ do you know who she is?” Ivan asked. “That’s Elizabeth's friend Nicole. The one she was screaming for when we took her from the club. Get doc here now.” I tell Konstantin and he pulls out his phone.I take Nicole from Ivan and head straight to the infirmary. Jesus Christ at the things that have done to her. Her face is almost unrecognizable. Both of her eyes are swollen shut and the front of her head is sunk in a little bit from something hitting her head. She’s also butt *ss naked so I can imagine the other things that were most likely done to her. There's dried up blood coming out of her nose and mouth too. Jesus Christ this makes my heart break and my blood boil. I make it to the first room that I know is open in the infirmary hallway and lay her down in the bed. I take a step back and look at her fully. She’s got staple holes in her stomach and road rash from where they dumped her out. There’s also deep cuts on her wrists and ankles. So, she was strapped down too. Poor girl. I should’ve tried harder to find her. I should have kept chasing them to keep her from going through this. I hope that she can forgive me one day for not trying harder for her. Will Dimitri be able to forgive himself for leaving her behind and letting her fall into the hands of monsters? Will Nicole be able to get over her issues after she’s been taken and let Dimitri apologize to her? What will become of them? With the help of her friend Ellie and Dimitri maybe she can overcome anything and take her power back that she was born with.


Kristy Saechao

Review after the novel completion

This serious was intoxicating. I couldn’t get enough it was really good! The plot and the build up was fantastic and didn’t not expect some of it. I really loved the characters and the way it played out. I just wished that there was a little more on Ellie and Konstantins story after the baby was born. I’m very happy with the way it ended for both couples. It was a whirlwind of crazy but it was a good story line.

April 26, 2024

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