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The Unwanted Matrimonial

  • 👁 30.2K
  • 8.3
  • 💬 0


Layla Jones, a 22-year-old, gets the shock of her life when her grandfather tells her she has to get married due to a business deal her grandfather made with his old friend. Feeling obligated, she agrees to marry the 24-year-old Damon Kingsley, who wasn't exactly thrilled about the marriage either but had to abide because it was either that or he would have been disinherited entirely from his families’ wealth. The union proved to be a rollercoaster ride, especially when the two clashed heads almost every time. Will they be willing to endure each other's proximity on a daily basis or will their relationship take a drastic turn?


Anthonia Omoregbe

Review after half of the novel

Very nice novel. It keeps you hooked practically and very interesting storyline . I would say it’s better if the writer of the book let us know when the times change. Like if there where talking and you want to pass to the next scene write like (2hours later) or (2weeks later) because in the middle of reading changing the day of conversation without letting the readers know that you’re changing the day and you just find yourself reading about another day it’s kind of difficult but apart from that the writer did a perfect job.

April 29, 2024

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