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Sex Slave To alien Masters

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After she turned 18, Ciara finally got out of an abusive home and life for her was just beginning to make sense. Her little world wasn't very exciting and perfect, but it was hers until late one night. After noticing a faint glowing light coming from around her back, she dropped her groceries and went to investigate and that was the last time she saw earth. She woke up suddenly in a new environment and realized she was naked. She fought for her consciousness and sanity, but it was already late. Who would save this earth woman sold into intergalactic slavery from her ruthless alien masters? Having been coerced. Betrayed, Abused and taken, will there be any hope left for Ciara? ********* Excerpt.... The men stood at my pedestal talking and occasionally looking up at me. The questions plagued my mind. Had Dark hair bought me? What would they want me to do? Were they going to eat me or beat me? SOLD TO ALIEN MASTERS is a 37 part steamy series. Enjoy ....


Emily, Rose

Review after half of the novel

This novel is just amazing! Its is so addictive and keeps you on edge at the end of each chapter and it gets you lost in it. I love how Clara is not neglected at all, I also love her relationship with Christof and her relation with all of them in general. I am honestly eager to see what happens next and what do those 2000+ chapters lead to in the end. An important thing to note is that those R rated scenes are over the top, they are just amazing.

April 23, 2024

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