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Return Life : Perfect Revenge Billionaire Wife

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"Die. Die Camelia, I hate your arrogant attitude! It would help if you died," Samuel added, continuing to choke Camelia until she was out of breath. Camelia tried to rebel, but it was difficult. Her chest was tight; tears kept flowing down her eyes as her gaze continued to stare hatefully at Samuel's face. Samuel released the choke on Camelia's neck. The woman's body fell to the floor limply. "Since you already know everything about Simona and me, There is no choice but to kill you, Camelia," Samuel said in a cold and piercing tone. Samuel accepted the golf club from his girlfriend, Simona. Without thinking, he hit Camelia's head with the golf club not only once but repeatedly until fresh blood flowed from Camelia's head. "Camelia Shanon, I have hated you for a long time. I won't apologize; you've ruined my happiness! You're an arrogant eldest daughter; I had to be forced to marry you. After this, I will live quietly without you." Samuel laughed with his lover. "Where are we taking Camelia's body?" Simona asked Samuel. "You can rest easy. I have prepared the most beautiful funeral for Shanon's dear daughter." "God, I want to live! To avenge all the pain of my heart," she thought with the pain at the end of her life. *** Camellia shannon philips has been devastated after finding out that the man she was married to all along was just using her. Having an affair and openly saying no after taking away all of Camellia's possessions, her husband Samuel also killed Camellia and threw her into a ravine. but Camelia didn't expect that she would be given the opportunity to be in Elisabelt's body. Camelia lives a new life as Elisa to take revenge for her hurt

Chapter 1

The company party atmosphere is about to kick into high gear tomorrow night. Camellia Shannon Philips is looking forward to the event where her husband, Ronan Samuel Philips, will be honored by other businessmen. She had to take a quick flight from New York to São Paulo. All of Samuel's success was due to the intervention of Camelia, the highest shareholder in the Philips Company. 

"Why isn't my name here?" said Camelia as she looked at the table reserved for the Philips family. 

There was no Camelia's name as Mrs. Philips but rather, the name Simona Laila, who was her husband's secretary, next to Ronan Samuel Philips' chair. 

"I ask you. Why isn't my name on this table!" Camelia snapped at the workers setting the table. How could they not know that Camelia would be present? Camelia always came to any celebration, even on a business trip. 

"Mr. Philips asked us to change it, Mrs."

"Samuel?" repeated Camelia with a slight chuckle. "No way. Simona is just his secretary; she shouldn't be with Samuel, my husband," she continued.

"If not here. Where should I sit?" said Camelia, looking around the table and searching among the names attached to each table.

"Mrs. Would you like us to change the position? We'll change it to your name," one of the hotel workers suggested to Camelia.

"Should you ask again about this? It may all be a mistake, but change it immediately. I don't want this mistake repeated," continued Camelia, still kindly. She stepped into the elevator before her feet stepped away from the ballroom.

When the elevator opened, Camelia's eyes caught a familiar sight. A man opened the car door for a woman; then the body also got into the same car. 


Camelia was sure it was her husband. Without thinking, he dashed into his car; Camelia drove quickly, following the movement of her husband's car in front of her.

"Who did he go with?" muttered Camelia, still monitoring the movement of Samuel's car, turning towards an elite residential area, which was their main mansion.

Camelia parked her car away from the mansion. She let Samuel enter the mansion with the woman first, and then Camelia came. Her chest thundered, her heart racing rapidly. Her mind was already imagining things about her husband.

After waiting for almost thirty minutes, Camelia drove her car through the gate; the faces of the servants looked frightened. It was like there was something to hide, but Camelia still wanted to make sure with her two eyes.

"M-Mrs. When will you be back," said the maid nervously as she greeted Camelia's arrival.

"Where is Mr. Samuel?" added Camelia, who didn't care about the maid question.

"Sir is upstairs, Mrs. to be exact ——"

Camelia's feet stepped quickly up the stairs to the upper floor. Camelia struggled with her emotions; she tried to look calm. In front of her eyes was the door to her and Samuel's main suite. Peeking slightly through the open doorway, Camelia smiled discordantly as she saw with both eyes Samuel making out with Simona Laila! Simona sat on top of Samuel's body, almost entirely naked, while Samuel was left with only his cloth pants. The sound of lips smacking against each other was highly disgusting.

Camelia did not deserve this treatment. Ronan Samuel did not earn to repay Camelia's kindness with betrayal; Samuel was just a poor man who did not know the shame. She gave everything to Samuel. Love, wealth, and body are prioritized over her. Even after being helped by Camelia's family, he had an affair with Simona Laila, a snake woman who was allowed because of Samuel's compassion.

Camelia's chest thundered even more as the sight of Samuel and Simona's affair angered her.  

"Samuel. When are you going to get rid of Camelia?"

"As soon as possible." 

The voice rang out very clearly in Camelia's hearing. Camelia witnessed it all: Samuel and the shameless woman making love on her bed. The sacred bed that Camelia and Samuel usually shared.

"Samuel!" Camelia shouted, opening the door with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Simona's amused laughter was paused. They immediately panicked when they saw Camelia's sudden arrival. Camelia was still staring intently at the two shameless, disgusting people showing innocent faces.


"Don't touch me! D*mn it!" snapped Camelia, swatting away Samuel's hand.

"You and that disgusting woman. Get out of my house!" shouted Camelia, pointing at the faces of Samuel and Simona, who were covering their innocent face. 

Instead of listening to her words, Samuel and Simona laughed loudly in front of Camelia's face. Simona stood with the blanket, hugging Samuel from the side; they made out in front of Camelia as if nothing had happened.

"You're the one who got out of this house! You've got nothing left, Camelia! You're poor and disgusting," Samuel said with a smirk.

Camelia laughed discordantly. No, there was no way she was poor. Camelia was the heiress and had a fortune that would not run out for seven generations; it was nonsense to hear Samuel say that she had fallen into poverty.

"Nonsense, Samuel. You're a shameless poor man! I shouldn't have helped you that time," Camelia retorted, still laughing loudly in front of Samuel.

Samuel growled as his hands grabbed Camelia by the neck and pushed her body against the wall. His gaze blazed with anger, strangling Camelia's neck without caring about the tears that continued to flow from the woman's face. 

"Die. Die Camelia, I hate your arrogant attitude! It would help if you died," Samuel added, continuing to choke Camelia until she was out of breath.

Camelia tried to rebel, but it was difficult. Her chest was tight; tears kept flowing down her eyes as her gaze continued to stare hatefully at Samuel's face.

Samuel released the choke on Camelia's neck. The woman's body fell to the floor limply.

"Since you already know everything about Simona and me, There is no choice but to kill you, Camelia," Samuel said in a cold and piercing tone.

Samuel accepted the golf club from his girlfriend, Simona. Without thinking, he hit Camelia's head with the golf club not only once but repeatedly until fresh blood flowed from Camelia's head.

"Camelia Shanon, I have hated you for a long time. I won't apologize; you've ruined my happiness! You're an arrogant eldest daughter; I had to be forced to marry you. After this, I will live quietly without you." Samuel laughed with his lover.

"Where are we taking Camelia's body?" Simona asked Samuel.

"You can rest easy. I have prepared the most beautiful funeral for Shanon's dear daughter."


It was a cold night. The sound of waves crashing sounded like a lullaby; a car driven by Samuel stopped at the top of a steep ravine. He got out with a cold face, accompanied by his girlfriend, who had kissed Samuel's lips.

"Wait here, sweetheart," he said to Simona.

Samuel opened the trunk of the car and took out Camelia's body wrapped in a blanket. Samuel roughly placed Camelia's body on the rocks; the sound of the waves and the strong wind was icy.

"Honey, are you sure you want to dump Camelia's body here?" Simona touched Samuel's hand even though she hated Camelia. But Simona still pitied the poor woman who had to die because of her arrogance.

"Do you feel guilty for her?" Samuel replied, looking deeply into Simona's eyes. "There's no time to feel guilty for her. She's dead anyway! We'll get married soon after and get insurance from her death," Samuel continued, reminding them of their goal.

Simona's eyes lit up at the word money. She nodded and agreed to all of Samuel's proposals when suddenly it started raining, and lightning could be heard beating in the sky. Simona helped Samuel tie a stone as a weight to Camelia's leg so that no one would find Camelia's body. 

Samuel and Simona are demons in the form of angels. For the sake of wealth and the throne, they were willing to take the lives of others. They don't care about God's destiny; for them, God doesn't exist! They will become a wealthy couple. Samuel will be a billionaire, and Simona will be the queen accompanying Ronan Samuel Philips.

"Goodbye dear, go to hell with your parents. The two of us will follow after we've had our fill of traveling to heaven on earth," was the last word Samuel said after pushing Camelia's body into the ravine and falling to the bottom of the sea.

Simona hugged Samuel tightly as if they were celebrating. They kissed each other like an inseparable couple, after which they both got back into the car. Leaving the scene without feeling guilty, tomorrow will be a new drama for Samuel and Simona, who will engineer Camelia's death.

Camelia was still alive. It was just that her body was weak; she heard all the vile words from the mouths of the two demons in human form. Her chest ached even more as the water supply drowned her body; the cold water seemed to send Camelia Shannon Philips into this cruel life.

The honorable princess had to get such a painful betrayal from the man she loved with all her heart. Dead, though she would die many times, Camelia vowed to be born again! Camelia swore that she would avenge all the unbearable pain, as many times as tears were falling down her cheeks.

"God, I want to live! To avenge all the pain of my heart," she thought with the pain at the end of her life.

Chapter 2

Camelia opened her eyes, staring at her surroundings with a hand reflexively touching her head. She gazed at her surroundings, realizing she was in a car, which was strange. 


Camelia faintly heard someone call out Elisa's name. Suddenly, her head turned towards the window, where a man was trying to break the windshield.

The glass broke after the third attempt. Camelia was too weak to speak; she just stayed silent as the car door was forcibly opened. Then her body was grabbed and into the arms of a man she didn't recognize at all; Camelia's mind at this time only remembered what Samuel had done to her.

Taylor carried his wife's body into the car. Felix continued to stare at Elisa's face, his fingers pressing the wound on her head with a handkerchief.

"No, no, no, please hold on, Elisa. I'm sorry I came late," Felix muttered shakily.


"Die! Die, Camelia, you must die! Beca


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