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I am not Your Love Story

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Liam Smith, an orphan, has had a dream for years; to become a star of the ever-famous Lotus Pond Entertainment company. However, when he meets the famous and attractive CEO of the company, notorious playboy, Kain Jones, things take an unexpected turn. Kain is unfriendly, and rude and even rejects Liam’s wishes of joining the company! Kain is not at all what Liam had expected his childhood star to be like at all! Disappointed, but not put off, Liam refuses to give up on his dreams of becoming a star and vows to do anything to get that chance, including doing whatever Kain demands of him, but just how far is Liam willing to go? "Your fervent, misguided sense of entitlement is stunning," Kain snarls at me. His nose twitches in indignation before a slow, cruel smirk crawls over his lips. He mouths the word 'anything', repeating what I had just said before leaning in and taking my chin into his fingers, brushing my lips with his thumb as he says in a low growl, "why don't you show me...”


Katrine Sousa

Review after half of the novel

Escrita clara e objetiva, fácil compreensão, muito bem escrito. As personagens são bastantes interessantes e muito bem desenvolvidas. O enredo em si muito interessante, cheio de surpresas. Estou a gostar, espero ver mais situações que despertem curiosidade em saber como vai terminar a história. Até agora tudo muito bom. Certa forma tem partes muito emocionantes que demonstram certos aspetos que as pessoas debatem no dia a dia nas suas relações e muitas incertezas e inseguranças projetadas pelos outros. aguardando o desenrolar da história

March 20, 2024

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