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Entrapped by the billionaire

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All Khloe wanted was a simple job and independent lifestyle but when she gets fired from her position as a manager of a department store after being wrongly accused, she entangles herself with a stranger who offers her a job as his secretary. when she refuses, he blackmails her with their s*x photos. to save her Face, she is left with two choices, work as a secretary or live her entire life with the false accusation led to her. However, her intoxicating new Boss is not only a billionaire boss but a mafia don of an underground gang. He traps her in his web and turns her into his ferry plaything. slowly, he strips Khloe of her innocence and makes her s*x driven maniac. Alex, a Mafia Don who wants to overthrow his father but needs to hide under his shadows. He will devise any means to achieve his goal but after meeting Khloe his new secretary, his attention has shifted and he wants nothing but to taunt his innocent secretary until she succumbs to him. However, his ambition to conquer his father leads to Khloe's danger and his nightmares start to visit him as he tries to live in the right part. As it is known, a bloody Don can never get his peace unless he loses what's dearest to him.

Chapter 1 fired

Khloe POV

The rumors, it was escalating like wildfire. everyone in my office bore holes in the back of my head as I walked down the corridor that led to my office.

Yesterday was all it took to get me into this mess. I was drunk, damnit this never happened to me. I never lost myself at a party with my colleagues so why last night?

"How shameless of her to show her face at work after what she did. some people lack class," I heard my juniors gossip about me and couldn't scold them because of the fear I felt.

I got to my office and thanked God that it was a self-con that could keep me away from others. but I guess I had thought too much because a slap flew across my face and everyone looked at me with disgust in their eyes.

"so you are the whore that seduced my husband?. how dare you manipulate my husband you witch!," an older woman who I knew nothing about yanked my hair and dashed me multiple slaps.

"Now I know how she got to the top. She seduces men and they give her a quick promotion,"

"What a pretentious bitch,"

I was rained with different kinds of insults while the woman beat me up like I was a punching bag. Things were still unclear to me yet I felt guilty like what they said was true.

"Enough with this ruckus, all of you go back to your work. Mrs., you have no right to disturb the working environment. if you don't want me to call security on you then leave peacefully," The head manager of the store I managed reduced me but the next words that escaped his mouth was the biggest blow I had received in my life.

"You are fired manager steel, go to the headquarters and receive your letter of dismissal. the company can't accept people who don't know how to behave," he declared and I knew that everything was over for me.

All my effort was a waste now that I was fired from my job. no one was willing to hear me out, even though I doubted my own words.

my position as a store manager didn't come so easily yet it was taken away without hesitation. I worked night and day, butt-licked, and sweet-talked all officials I had come across just to get this position.

After he said those words, I quietly took my purse and drove down to the headquarters to take my letter. However, my eyes caught the very man who had put me in this mess. He was standing and smiling with his colleagues when he had ruined my life.

my legs automatically turned on their own and before I knew what I was doing, I had slapped the man with my purse multiple times. if I was going down then I might as well deal with the man of my fall.

"You bastard, how dare you grin after what you had done to me? I will make sure that your life will remain a living hell once I'm done with you," I bashed him more with my purse, venting all my anger on him. I didn't mind the crowd that had formed because of me as long as everyone would see how he was a jerk.

"Are you out of your mind?," he stopped my purse from landing on his face but I wanted to beat him just like his wife had done to me. using my free hand, I gave him a sound slap that made him fall to the ground then I kicked him in between his legs and walked away.

He wailed in pain and some people took photos of him. I knew that I would regret this later, however, I was glad that I was able to exact my anger on him. but that didn't change what was going to happen to me and what I had already done.

I got to the department that printed my letter and laughed when I saw how smooth and nice the paper looked. At least, they were sending me off with gold ink. How ridiculous.

The day was over for me and there was nothing I could do. calling my mom would only make things worse for me and no company would like to take a fired employee. I was completely done, but there was a place that would accept me.

The club. I lessened my clothes and danced around until I was completely drained of energy. then I went to the bar and ordered some shots to celebrate my unemployment.

I kept on drinking until I was completely wasted and unreasonable. The bartender must think I'm weird because the expression on his face said so but he didn't bother to ask. I got up again and mixed with the crowd and by the time I was done, it was seven in the night. what a nice way to waste time.

"You look intense and smell foreign, "I turned to the man who had recently joined the bar. he looked at me with this interest in his eyes but I didn't bother because I was wasted and had nothing to lose.

"Have you ever heard of Carmel Valley?" I started to spill out nonsense from my mouth boring the man entirely. Then I got overly excited and asked him the most stupid question ever. "Have you had sex before? would like to have sex with me?"

when he didn't say a word, I took his hand and led him out of the club to the motel across the street." if you don't want to have sex with me it is fine. but I want to have sex with someone so tell me if you feel uncomfortable, I will leave you and find someone else," I hiccuped feeling the heat of my redness.

"And what will I get if I have sex with you?," he talked for the first time and I felt intimidated.

"Anything that you want," I said and sealed my fate at that moment.

Chapter 2 entrapped

Alexander POV

The girl who was underneath me looked so alluring and tantalizing. I wanted to rip off her clothes immediately and suck the living hell out of her pussy. but she kept talking about her job and how she got fired.

"I thought you brought me here to have sex with you," I angrily said but she laughed and patted my cheeks before continuing her story.

she had no idea of how dangerous I was and how aroused I had become just by watching her chest rise up and down. even though she was a suit pants, I could feel the hotness of her cunt and wondered what it would be like if I was inside of her.

"Enough with the damn talking," I shut her mouth with a kiss and began to undress her. She didn't retract from my action which meant a go-ahead order.

As I released her full and big breasts from the suspenders women called a bra, I nipped my lips on her pinkish nipples that protruded for me. they were damn hard and soft.

she moane


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